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1.900 times Earth's gravity and capable of 'compressing' time and space: China activates hypergravity facility that revolutionizes science

Published 18/11/2024 ร s 22:31
Photo: Reproduction

The world's most advanced hypergravity facility, opened by China, promises to revolutionize research in several scientific fields

China has officially activated the Centrifugal Hypergravity and Interdisciplinary Experiment Facility (CHIEF), marking a significant advance in global scientific research. Located in Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province, this platform promises to revolutionize studies scientific and technological through the creation of extreme hypergravity conditions.

What is hypergravity?

Hypergravity refers to forces greater than Earth's standard gravity, or 1g. For example, astronauts reentering Earth's atmosphere can experience forces of up to 4g, which is equivalent to four times their body weight. hypergravity CHIEF's can generate forces thousands of times stronger than Earth's gravity, an unprecedented condition in scientific facilities.

Innovative structure and capacity

The facility will contain three main centrifuges and 18 onboard units. The motor for the first centrifuge has already been installed, resembling two giant experimental basket arms. According to the Hangzhou government, construction of the other two centrifuges and 10 onboard units is underway.

CHIEF will have a capacity of 1.900 GT (acceleration of gravity ร— ton), surpassing the current record of 1.200 GT held by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' hypergravity facility. In doing so, China sets a new global benchmark for advanced research.

Diagram showing the scale of one of CHIEF's three centrifuges. Image: ifeng

Multidisciplinary potential

Designed to address cutting-edge engineering and science challenges, the facility will serve as a unique platform for studying physical characteristics under extreme conditions. The funding will support research investments in areas such as:

  • Slope and dam engineering: Studies on structural stability and safety.
  • Seismic geotechnics: Earthquake simulation and evaluation of building materials.
  • Deep sea exploration: Research into natural gas hydrates, an abundant clean energy source.
  • Material processing: Analysis of material behavior under high pressure.

The preliminary completion of CHIEF has been hailed by the Hangzhou government as a milestone in hypergravity research. According to official statements, it will fill a gap in China's scientific infrastructure, providing essential support for the development of major engineering technologies and deep geological exploration.

โ€œCHIEF is indispensable as a platform for advanced experimentation, with the potential to accelerate discoveries in interdisciplinary areas,โ€ said a local government spokesperson.

Path to the future

The facility was approved in 2018 by Chinaโ€™s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and construction began in 2020 under the leadership of Zhejiang University. The original proposal, submitted in 2019, highlighted CHIEFโ€™s potential to address global scientific challenges.

Led by renowned academic Chen Yunmin, the facility seeks solutions to complex problems such as deep geological processes and optimization of energy exploration technologies.

A leap in scientific exploration

In addition to leading engineering research, CHIEF will also have a significant impact on other scientific areas, including deep-earth studies and industrial process improvements. The facility is expected to attract scientists from around the world, cementing China as a pioneer in advanced technologies.

This achievement reaffirms Chinaโ€™s commitment to innovation and the search for solutions to humanityโ€™s most complex challenges. CHIEF, with its impressive capabilities, promises to be a pillar in the advancement of global scientific and technological knowledge, showing that gravity โ€“ or rather, hypergravity โ€“ is just a detail to be overcome.

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Edson Antunes
Edson Antunes
19/11/2024 06:59

And you are certainly reading this article on a cell phone made in China. Long live communism. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

In reply to  Edson Antunes
19/11/2024 07:30

You can't even make fun of the guy because what if he has a mental problem...

In reply to  Paulo
19/11/2024 10:11

No lol

Fabio Lucas Carvalho

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