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1.000 vacancies in FREE EAD courses are offered by State Universities of Paraná in a new unified entrance exam

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 17/05/2023 às 08:45
free courses, EAD, universities, entrance exams
UEPG - Campus Central da UEPg. Ponta Grossa, 08-08-17. Foto: Arnaldo Alves / ANPr.

With registration open this Monday (15), opportunities in free and distance learning courses are at Unicentro and UEPG universities

This Monday (15), two renowned state universities in Paraná will start to an excellent opportunity for students in distance learning courses. The State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) is offering 540 vacancies, while the State University of the Midwest (Unicentro) offers 456 vacancies in the new entrance exam for free distance learning courses, covering more than 20 cities in the region. Free course options include undergraduate and technological courses, catering to different fields of interest, according to G1.

To participate in the entrance exam for the free distance learning courses available, candidates will take the face-to-face tests on July 2, in locations to be defined later. The candidate's handbook, containing all the information included about the selection process at the universities, is now available on the UEPG website. 

In addition, candidates can now request exemption from the registration fee in the amount of R$50, the inscriptions started this Monday (15). Applications for the entrance exam for free university courses close on June 15th and the result with the names of those selected will be announced on July 20th.

Free EAD courses in the new university entrance exam

UEPG, 540 distance learning places

  • Degree in Computing
  • Degree in Geography
  • Degree in Languages ​​Portuguese – Spanish

Unicentro, 456 distance learning places

  • Degree in Portuguese Language and Literature
  • Technology in Environmental Management

Purpose of offering free distance learning courses from universities and enrollment in the entrance exam

This offer of the new entrance exam aims to promote access to quality higher education, expanding education and training opportunities for students across the state. The free EAD courses represent a flexible and affordable alternative for those seeking to reconcile their studies with other responsibilities and commitments.

To sign up for entrance exam offered by universities for free distance learning courses, just CLICK HEREUI you will be redirected to the universities website. For more information about university entrance exams, access the Candidate Handbook CLICKING HERE.

Don't miss this chance to enter a renowned university and gain knowledge that will sustain your career. Consult the available information about the entrance exam and be part of this promising academic journey!

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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