Get your degree at UTFPR! There are 107 free courses offered in 13 cities in Paraná. Sign up through SiSU 2025!
The Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) has launched a notice to fill 2.201 vacancies in 107 free undergraduate courses through the Unified Selection System (SiSU). Students who completed high school and participated in the National High School Exam (Enem) in 2024 can apply, as long as they did not score zero on the essay. Registration, however, is not available for trainees.
The vacancies are distributed across the 13 UTFPR campuses in Paraná. official notice, It is possible to check the number of vacancies per campus, the specific weights for each discipline and the documents required for enrollment.
UTFPR follows the Quota Law, guaranteeing vacancies for students public schools, including specific categories for low-income people, people with disabilities, as well as black, mixed-race, indigenous and quilombola people. Candidates who self-declare as black or mixed-race must go through a hetero-identification panel.
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UTFPR courses and differentials
In this edition, UTFPR offers 76 bachelor's degrees, 16 teaching degrees and 15 technology courses. The undergraduate courses are distributed in the cities of Apucarana, Campo Mourão, Cornélio Procópio, Curitiba, Dois Vizinhos, Francisco Beltrão, Guarapuava, Londrina, Medianeira, Pato Branco, Ponta Grossa, Santa Helena and Toledo.
UTFPR is the only technological university in Brazil and stands out for its extensive presence in Paraná. In addition to undergraduate courses, it offers free master's and doctoral programs.
Another unique feature is the dual degree program, which allows students to take a course at a foreign institution run by a partner and obtain diplomas recognized both in Brazil and abroad. This initiative reinforces UTFPR's commitment to academic excellence and internationalization.
Registration for free courses
Interested parties who were not selected in the first call will have the option of participating in the SiSU waiting list (access here) between January 26th and 31st. This list will be used to fill vacancies in subsequent calls.
Okay, I want to take a course.