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225 vacancies at fundamental and medium levels for the 2020 IBGE contest

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 30/01/2020 às 08:05
225 vacancies at fundamental and medium levels for the 2020 IBGE contest
225 vacancies at fundamental and medium levels for the 2020 IBGE contest

IBGE competition demands vacancies at fundamental and medium levels; Registration starts from this Friday, 31st, and goes until February 5th.

Stay tuned, the announcement for the IBGE contest with more than 225 thousand vacancies will be published in February. The public notice opened last Monday, the 27th, offers 35 vacancies for fundamental and medium level positions, for Frontin, RJ.  The Norwegian giant opens a selection process to serve offshore projects in Rio and Porto do Açu

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The contracts will last for two months, which can be extended for another two months, and salaries reach up to R$ 2.100. Those approved will be allocated in the municipality of Paulo de Frontin, in Rio de Janeiro.

Check the job breakdown:

Middle level: municipal census agent (1 vacancy), supervising census agent (4 vacancies). Salaries will be R$ 2.100 and R$ 1.700 respectively.

Fundamental level: census taker (30 vacancies). In this case, the gain will be according to the professional's productivity, which is calculated by census units (urban and/or rural households), census persons and registration in the data collection control.

IBGE 2020 competition exams – 35 vacancies for Frontin RJ

All candidates must pass objective tests scheduled for March 8, 2020. The test locations and assessment times will be announced by Ibade on March 3, too. The tests will consist of the following content, according to the position:

Municipal census agent and supervisor: Portuguese language (15); Logical Reasoning (10)
Notions of Administration/Management situations (15); Technical Knowledge (20)

Census taker: Portuguese language (15); Mathematics (10); Technical Knowledge (25);

Registrations IBGE competition for Frontin RJ

Interested parties will be able to enroll from this Friday, 31st on the website of the Executive Support and Development Institute (Ibade). The registration period runs until the 5th of February.

Registration fee of R$ 42,50 will be charged for mid-level positions, and R$ 25,00 for fundamental level. Fee exemption can be requested by low-income family members enrolled in CadÚnico.

For more information, access the notice published in the Official Gazette of the Union.

There will still be an IBGE contest with more than 225 thousand vacancies in February

Three more public notices are planned until the end of February, for the positions of municipal census agent and supervisor, mid-level careers that add up to 29.678 vacancies and offer earnings of R$ 2.400. And also for the position of census taker with 196 fundamental-level opportunities.

After these selections, there will still be a contest for call center supervisor and census coder, whose levels have not yet been announced but have a total of 124 vacancies. Thus, the IBGE 2020 contest will still offer around 225.802 vacancies.

At the moment, these selections are in the process of choosing the organizing committee. The name of the company may be disclosed as early as January in view of the proximity of the dates determined for the tenders.

Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact her for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our portal.

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