The 680 vacancies in free Spanish, English and Libras courses are offered in eight municipalities in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
680 vacancies were opened in free Spanish, English and Libras courses by the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS) last Tuesday, December 10th. Vacancies are offered in eight municipalities in the state and registrations are open until January 17, via the internet. See also how to enroll in a free English course offered by MEC
Starting in the first semester of 2020, free foreign language courses are made possible through the institution’s Language Center (Cenid), in the municipalities of Aquidauana, Campo Grande, Corumbá, Coxim, Dourados, Jardim, Ponta Porã and Três Lagoas .
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The test will consist of 42 multiple-choice questions, aiming to assess the auditory, visual and general understanding of the language (grammar and vocabulary). Regardless of the result obtained in the placement test, filling the vacancy will only be possible if the candidate is selected by lot, scheduled for February 19th.
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The free FIC language courses offered by the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul lead the student to training, improvement and knowledge of an additional language. The certificate is nationally valid and certifies knowledge at the completed level.
Vacancies are offered in two ways: for beginner classes and for those that are already in progress, which requires a placement test. To compete, you must have completed elementary school I.
Discover: the opening notice with the norms of the selection process for free courses of Initial and Continuing Training (FIC) in a foreign language and Libras at basic and intermediate levels.
Offered in two stages, with three semesters each, the courses are aimed at students, IFMS employees and the external community, with the purpose of promoting the institution's internationalization process.
As with the courses, registration is free and must be done between December 16th and January 17th, exclusively by Selection Center Candidate Page. Those who have never accessed the IFMS registration system need to register in advance.
Those interested in participating who do not have access to the internet can look for the campuses where vacancies are offered, at the addresses and times listed in the annex IV of the notice. There will be no service on weekends, holidays and recess periods.
Classes for those selected start in February (beginner classes) and March (ongoing classes).