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R$ 8 million were invested by Cemig in a new Planura power substation

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 14/06/2022 às 22:32
Cemig, energy, substation
Photo: Reproduction of Pok Rie / Source: Pexels

Cemig's investment in a new substation will increase energy flexibility in the Triângulo Mineiro area

Cemig invested more than R$8 million in the new Planura power substation, located in the Triângulo Mineiro region. The new facility will offer more energy to serve present and future customers in the Minas Gerais triangle, in addition to strengthening the development of the energy from neighboring cities Campo Florido, Frutal and Pirajuba.

Comprised of the Integrated Compact Substation (SECI) technological platform, the completion of the Planura substation will drive improvements in voltage levels at the Frutal and Pirajuba power substations, reduction of energy losses and more safety in operations, with less loading at these substations and the transmission system.

According to Cemig, the ability to modify the substation is 15 MVA, enough energy to supply approximately 15 homes with average consumption in the company's market. The SE is connected to the electrical system through a derivation of the distribution line that interconnects Frutal 2 and Porto Colombia substations, at 138 kV.

“In addition to providing improvements in the quality of energy supply, the SE (substation) Planura will also help in the economic and social development of the region, stimulating new enterprises and, as a consequence, generating more jobs in the municipality, comments the enterprise engineer from cemig, José Valteir de Araújo.

Other power substations in Minas also received investments from Cemig

In addition to the new SE Planura, Cemig also invested in another SE, in the region of Minas Gerais, last year. SE Varjão de Minas was energized in November 2021 and SE Serra do Salitre was delivered in the first half.

A substation Araxá 2 is being extended and SE Lagoa Grande is in an advanced stage of construction, with delivery scheduled for this month of June.

Construction of the Uberaba 7 and Uberlândia 8 substations has already begun. In addition, several supply lines were developed to connect these substations to the power system, providing more security in the event of an operational need.

New substation in Vale do Jequitinhonha was inaugurated by Cemig

In addition to the new Planura substation being developed in Minas, Cemig inaugurated, in the week of June 03, a substation in the Jequitinhonha Valley, which was delivered with a new Distribution Line for the region, which will attest to better quality and continuity of power supply.

Cemig's new substation, Minas Novas 2, and the Distribution Line that connects the installation to the Araçuaí 2 substation came into operation in the week of 03/06. Cemig's undertaking brings greater availability and quality of energy to approximately 70 thousand consumers in cities adjacent to the Jequitinhonha Valley region.

To connect the Araçuaí 2 and Minas Novas 2 substations, a new Distribution Line was developed, which is approximately 90km long. 

The new infrastructures along the route are made of metal, replacing the current ones, which are made of wood. For Cemig, replacing metal with wood is very important, as it will reduce the impacts caused by possible fires in the region, increasing credibility and guaranteeing the continuity of the supply of electricity to consumers.

Cemig invested approximately BRL 46 million in the construction of the new substations and the new SE will have an installed capacity of 15MVA, providing greater energy availability in the region, since the current SE capacity at the site is 10MVA, that is, the new SE will bring a 50% increase in energy supply.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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