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August has arrived! Check out what will be the events of this month that should shake the economy and industry

Written by Daiane Souza
Published 01/08/2022 às 07:33
August has arrived! Check out this month's events that should shake the economy and industry - Canva
Image source: Canva

Today, August 01st, a new month begins and extremely important events for the economy and industry are expected to take place, which will affect the entire industry and consumers' pockets. 

The month of August has arrived and, with it, we will have new events that should shake the entire economy and industry. With this in mind, the CPG separated a list with the main ones.

Selic will be increased after a new meeting with COPOM

A  Selic rate, which determines the Brazilian basic interest, will be increased after the new meeting with COPOM that is scheduled to take place this August. For this reason, it is estimated that the rates will come out of 13,25% to about 13,75%. 

What does that change in practice?  The Central Bank of Brazil has been carrying out constant variations of the Selic as a way of contain inflation and increase the purchasing power of Brazilians. It is also the ideal time to invest in both fixed income and direct treasury, since they are among the most profitable alternatives, even above some stocks on the Stock Exchange. 

The increase in interest rates in a context of high inflation makes Brazilians feel tempted to save money to invest and, therefore, withdraw part of what is in circulation. 

Gasoline starts to be sold with a drop, showing that the month can be promising for traditional consumers. However, diesel continues flirting with R$ 8

This Monday, August 01st, the The state of Santa Catarina (SC) already has gasoline being offered at around R$5,40. Despite this, diesel is still being resold by service stations with a value of almost R$ 8, which can be harmful for the transport and logistics sector, which has already stated that they have  a percentage of 10% billing drop seen, which are not transferring these variations to final consumers. 

Variations occur after Petrobras announced that it would be reducing the value of refineries by up to 15 cents last month. Another aspect that profoundly influences fuel prices is the state ICMS rates. The governor of Santa Catarina, Carlos Moisés, for example, approved a project that will reduce this rate to 17%. 

The ICMS reduction occurs after Jair Bolsonaro approved a project that will allow this reduction through a federal transfer to the states to make up for the lack of taxes. 

Dollar went from R$5,50 to R$5,18 in a matter of a few days and could return to R$5,10 

The dollar, which is one of the main influencers in the price of gasoline, diesel and ethanol, rose from R$5,50 to around R$5,18 in the last trading session, in Friday 29th of July. One of the reasons that made the US currency fall was precisely the possibility of new increase in Selic, which makes Treasury Direct and investments in Brazil more attractive. 

According to Valor Econômico, the scenarios abroad, with the stagnation of the US economy after the Covid-19 crisis, cause the US currency to show negative variations and be devalued. The euro is also in sharp decline. The trend is that, in this Monday, August 01st, the currency continues to fall, which will have an exponential impact on fuel production. 

Promotions in Brazilian mining in August 

The federal government has been approving a series of laws that encourage mining in the state of Minas Gerais (MG) and that could count on the creation of more than 7 jobs. One of the projects will allow the simplified and non-bureaucratic export of companies abroad. 

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