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Brazilian Navy opens selection process with 800 vacancies and remuneration of R$ 2.294,50 for people with completed high school education!

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 30/12/2024 às 07:19
Brazilian Navy opens selection process with 800 vacancies and remuneration of R$ 2.294,50 for people with completed high school education!
Photo: Disclosure/Brazilian Navy

New Brazilian Navy selection process: vacancies for high school students will be opened soon, offering opportunities throughout the country. Find out how to secure your registration and compete!

A Brazilian Navy announced 800 vacancies for candidates with completed high school education, interested in entering a military career. The selection process is aimed at the four units of the School of Seafarer Apprentices (EAM), located in the states of Ceará, Espírito Santo, Santa Catarina and Pernambuco, offering opportunities for those seeking training and career stability. The notice with all the information was published in Official Gazette on the 6th, providing details about the requirements, process steps and benefits offered to future approved candidates.

This is an excellent opportunity for those who wish to join one of the most respected armed forces in the country and build a successful career in the military.

Who can apply for high school vacancies in the Brazilian Navy?

To compete in the Brazilian Navy selection process, candidates must prove that you have completed secondary education and are between 18 and 22 years old.

Candidates interested in high school vacancies in the Navy must also prove that they are at least 1,54 m tall and no taller than 2,00 m, and must not be married or have entered into a stable union, remaining so throughout the period in which they are subject to the regulations of the School of Apprentice Sailors.

Of the total vacancies in the Brazilian Navy, 704 are for males and 96 for females. Below we have separated the distribution of vacancies in the Navy for high school education by location and specialization:


  • Electronics: 78 vacancies
  • Support: 91 vacancies
  • Mechanics: 67 vacancies
  • Mechanics: 67 vacancies
  • Support: 91 vacancies
  • Electronics: 78 vacancies


  • Mechanics: 40 vacancies
  • Electronics: 47 vacancies
  • Support: 54 vacancies


  • Electronics: 93 vacancies
  • Support: 54 vacancies
  • Mechanics: 40 vacancies

As a student on the training course, the value of the scholarship is R$1.303,90. After the course, the remuneration can reach R$2.294,50.

Stages of the Brazilian Navy selection process

Applications for Navy vacancies for high school education begin on January 29 and remain open until February 12, 2025 on the Navy website. The registration fee is R$50. Candidates registered in the Brazilian Navy selection process will go through stages such as:

  • Objective proof;
  • Complementary Heteroidentification Procedure for Self-Declaration (only for candidates who self-declared as black);
  • Physical Fitness Test (TAF);
  • Verification of Biographical Data (VDB);
  • Health Inspection (IS);
  • Psychological Assessment (PA);
  • Document Verification (DV).

The test for vacancies in the Brazilian Navy is scheduled for April 06th and will be held in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, Nova Friburgo, São Pedro da Aldeia, Vila Velha, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Olinda, Natal, Fortaleza, Belém, São Luís, Rio Grande, Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Brasília, Ladario, São Paulo, Santos and Manaus. The questions in the objective proof The Brazilian Navy selection process will consist of the following contents:

  • 15 Science questions (Physics and Chemistry);
  • 15 Math questions;
  • 5 English questions;
  • 15 Portuguese questions.

Why apply for high school vacancies in the Navy?

During their career, successful candidates, who began their careers at the Apprentice Seamen's Schools, will have the chance to participate in various naval missions and operations, traveling and visiting various places in Brazil and abroad. They will also have the chance to serve in various organizations on land, in various cities in Brazil.

You will learn the importance of the bonds of friendship that distinguish you from all other professionals, making this profession unique and exciting. Throughout your career, you will have the opportunity to take courses, work abroad and perform other activities of interest to the Navy.

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31/12/2024 04:52

It's a shame that we live among ignorant people who are fans of presidents. A president doesn't have to have fans; she has to have voters who vote and then have the attitude to demand what they promise.
Another decree was issued to be signed during the current president's term, so it could be Lula or any other president who signs the blessed decree.
The people, instead of supporting the people, are supporting presidents. What a shame.
It is better for a sea of ​​people to go after electric trios during Carnival in the hot sun, than for the people to come together and demand better results for the people and for our children who are yet to grow up.

In reply to  Jhonny
31/12/2024 05:44

Exactly that!!!

31/12/2024 09:57

Interested people,
Check if this is really what you want for your life. You will spend 5 years earning a little over 2 thousand and then another 6 years earning 3 thousand to reach a reasonable salary after 11 years of career. Taking off many night jobs and often going to other states to practically survive.
EAM is not worth it today! You will be throwing away what is most valuable to you, “time”. A federal level competition, where you will do technical services, leaving home to earn 2300?
Do this Ear or some auxiliary force in your city! It will save you 11 years of your life.

Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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