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Brazilian FAB pilots outclass US F-16 ADF fighter jet in secret exercise! Real-life aerial combat shocks the world and proves the strength of Brazil's military aviation

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 09/01/2025 às 10:57
Brazilian FAB pilots beat US F-16 ADF fighter in secret exercise
Photo: Playback/Youtube

FAB pilots beat US F-16 ADF fighter: Brazil and the United States carried out a test exercise and Brazilian pilots from the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) show the power of Brazil's military aviation.

Brazilian Air Force (FAB) pilots surprised everyone by outperforming United States Air Force (USAF) pilots in a simulated aerial combat, carried out during joint military exercises between US and Brazilian fighters. The skill, strategy and advanced training of Brazilian military aviation were the highlights of this confrontation. In an event that marked cooperation and learning between the air forces, Brazilian pilots demonstrated the operational effectiveness of the AMX fighter, an aircraft designed for attack and interdiction missions, when facing the renowned US F-16 ADF fighter.

This remarkable feat occurred during the exercise crossex, a series of military maneuvers carried out regularly by the FAB, which brings together forces from different countries to promote integration and simulate real combat situations. Although the F-16 is considered technologically superior, Brazilian pilots employed innovative tactics and took advantage of the AMX's characteristics to prevail in the simulated scenario.

The exercise not only highlighted the high level of training of FAB pilots, but also reinforced Brazil's role as a regional power in military aviation, with the ability to operate efficiently and strategically in complex scenarios.

What is the fighter plane of Brazilian FAB pilots like?

Starting in 1984, the Brazilian Air Force began receiving its first AMX aircraft. The AMX is a fighter-bomber of Italian-Brazilian production, whose main specialty is ground attack, air interdiction missions, close air support and aerial reconnaissance.

It is a rustic aircraft, capable of operating from bases with little infrastructure and even from damaged runways. In addition to having a low radar signature, it is also capable of operating at high speeds and low altitudes, which makes it even more difficult to be detected by enemy radars.

The Brazilian Air Force fighter's self-defense is provided by AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, with a range of 18 km, two integrated 30mm DEFA 554 cannons and electronic countermeasures.

In the early 90s, the model was one of the most modern aircraft in its category, even though it had not been tested in real combat. Brazil's military aviation sector wanted to test it in conditions close to combat in Operation Tiger One, which was carried out in the US state of Puerto Rico in 1994.

Exercise where FAB pilots defeated US F-16 ADF fighter

In simulated combat, the opponent of the AMX of the Brazilian FAB pilots was the powerful F-16 ADF, a model that was used in the continental defense of the USA. They were aircraft from the 189th Fighter Squadron of the United States Air National Guard.. The first part of the exercise consisted of Brazilian pilots from the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) having to attack ground positions and survive the US F-16s that were defending those positions.

The expectation was that US fighters would achieve much better performance than Brazilian military aviation, given that they were supersonic and multi-mission, which was not the case with the Brazilian Air Force's AMX.

However, the FAB pilots annihilated the US ADF F-16 fighter and completely dominated their aircraft and knew all the advantages and disadvantages of the AMX in relation to the US F-16s. Thus, they used the strategy of carrying out 'low level' air attacks, which is when the bomber approaches the target at low altitude, bombs and escapes at low altitude.

FAB pilots win US F-16 ADF fighter in second phase of exercise

With this strategy, Brazilian pilots from the FAB (Brazilian Air Force) disoriented the opposing pilots, winning all attacks in the first phase of the exercise, with 100% of targets destroyed and enemy F-16s shot down, demonstrating the power of Brazilian military aviation.

For the second part of the exercise, where 1-on-1 combat was carried out, the Brazilian pilots decided to change their strategy. The AMX loses energy after three or four turns, while the F-16 does not.

Thus, as soon as the combat began, the Brazilian FAB pilots used a much smaller turning radius than the F-16, and at the beginning of the dispute, they framed the American fighters within the missile system of the Brazilian Air Force aircraft. In this way, Brazil also won the second part of the exercise, ending with a 100% victory rate against the USA.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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