Cemig, in partnership with the government of Minas Gerais, launched the Mais Energia program, which consists of building energy distribution substations
Yesterday, Thursday (23/09), the governor of Minas Gerais Romeu Zema and the CEO of Cemig, Reynaldo Passanezi Filho, launched the Mais Energia program, which consists of building 200 energy distribution substations in various regions of the state until 2027. R$ 5 billion will be invested in the construction of new installations and high voltage lines to connect them to the distribution network, in addition to reinforcement works in the medium voltage networks in the company's concession area. Also read this news: Even without generating energy, mining company Vale has already received more than R$ 500 million for a buried plant in Minas Gerais
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The Mais Energia program, by Cemig and the Government of Minas Gerais
The launch took place in Governador Valadares, in Vale do Rio Doce, where the new Governador Valadares 5 Substation is being built, an important work to reinforce the region's electrical system that will be delivered in early 2022 and will benefit 100 Cemig customers.
Deliveries will ensure the expansion of energy supply for new loads and improve the reliability of the electrical system for the population, enabling the generation of employment and income in all regions of Minas Gerais. R$ 5 billion will be invested in the construction of new installations and high voltage lines to connect them to the distribution network, in addition to reinforcement work on the medium voltage networks in the company's concession area. This action is part of the biggest investment plan in Cemig's history, which foresees R$ 22,5 billion invested in the coming years.
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Correction of management and strategies
According to Governor Romeu Zema, the program is a way to correct wrong management and strategies that were adopted in the past. “We know that in the last 15, 20 years Cemig's investments, unfortunately and wrongly, were directed to Rio de Janeiro (Light), Bahia (Renova) and Amazonas (Belo Monte and Santo Antônio), and our transmission and distribution was completely compromised and scrapped”, stated Zema.
Mais Energia will considerably increase the number of substations in the state, from the current 415 to 615 units by 2027. Currently, 30% of Cemig's substations have load restrictions. With the new substations, the forecast is that this number will be zeroed by 2027, putting an end to the repressed demand for energy in Minas Gerais. This is because approximately 5 MVA (Mega VoltAmpere) of power will be injected into the electrical system, more than 50% of the current installed capacity.
Check out this news: Solar energy – Cemig SIM will receive contributions of R$ 1 billion until 2025
Cemig SIM, a Cemig Group company focused on renewable energy, will receive contributions of R$ 1 billion until 2025, from its parent company, to invest in projects related to solar energy farms. According to the company, the investment is aimed at expanding its share in the shared distributed generation market from the current 10% to 30% by the end of 2025. The company, which currently has 11 solar farms already in operation, intends to inaugurate more seven still in the first half of this year 2021.
João Paulo Campos, director of business development and finance at Cemig SIM, says that Cemig's strategic planning foresees an investment of R$ 1 billion in the distributed generation business, which takes place through Cemig SIM. However, they will seek an optimal capital structure, that is, it will not necessarily be with their own resources, and, according to the executive, some type of leverage can be used to monetize and optimize results in the solar energy sector.