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China shocks the world by building two gigantic cruise ships in record time, challenging Europe

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 18/01/2025 às 10:05
China shocks the world by building two gigantic cruise ships in record time, challenging Europe
China used more than 100 new construction methods, such as hybrid laser welding and large pre-assembled parts. This sped up the entire process, allowing the ship to be completed in just nine months.

With advanced technology, the Aida Huacheng and her sister ship elevate China to the select group of luxury cruise ship builders, measuring 341 meters long, carrying 5.232 passengers and built in just nine months.

China has just joined the select group of nations capable of manufacturing cruise ships, challenging the leadership of European giants. With two colossal ships in record time, the Asian country shows that it is not messing around.

The highlight of the moment is “Aida Huacheng”, a true colossus of the seas that, with its innovations and monumental size, is already causing a stir.

The Colossus of the Seas: Aida Huacheng

The Aida Huacheng is a milestone in Chinese naval engineering. At 341 meters long and weighing 141.900 tons, it can accommodate up to 5.232 passengers in its 2.144 luxurious cabins. Equipped with state-of-the-art entertainment systems, it promises to offer experiences worthy of the best cruises in the world.

And the most incredible thing? It has advanced technologies, such as desulfurization towers that reduce sulfur oxides emitted by engines. In times of environmental concern, this is a strong point.

Perhaps most impressive is the construction time in China. From initial assembly to completion, the ship was built in just nine months! This feat was made possible by more than 100 new working methods, including hybrid laser welding and the use of large pre-assembled sections.

A new era for China's shipping industry

They optimized every step of the work, connecting systems and structures more efficiently. In addition, the team focused on innovation to ensure quality and speed at the same time.
They optimized every step of the work, connecting systems and structures more efficiently. In addition, the team focused on innovation to ensure quality and speed at the same time.

The Chinese shipbuilding industry has not skimped on innovation. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding has implemented modern processes that optimize both quality and efficiency. This development puts the country on an equal footing with renowned European shipyards.

For decades, countries such as Italy, Germany and France dominated cruise ship construction. Now, China is proving that it can compete on equal terms, challenging European hegemony with quality and speed.

From LNG construction to luxury cruises

China has been surprising the world since 2008, when it delivered its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) tanker. That was just the beginning of a journey towards shipbuilding excellence.

Another important milestone was the CV-17 Shandong aircraft carrier, the first domestically manufactured, delivered in 2019. These achievements show how much the country has advanced in just a few years.

China and the future of shipbuilding

China's entry into the cruise market directly impacts the global industry. With the capacity to build ships in record time and with advanced technologies, the country changes the rules of the game.

With two ships completed and many more on the horizon, China is set to further dominate the industry. Will we see Chinese cruise ships taking the oceans by storm soon?

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 3.000 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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