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China surprises the world by creating 12 million new urban jobs in 2024 with innovative policies and social inclusion

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 31/12/2024 às 13:00
China surprises the world by creating 12 million new urban jobs in 2024 with innovative policies and social inclusion
China is one of the most populous and powerful countries in the world, known for its giant economy and ancient culture. It is a place where tradition and modernity mix, creating innovations that impact the planet.

With nearly 12 million new urban jobs, reduced unemployment and more than 12 million skilled workers, China shows the world how strategic policies can transform the economy and generate mass inclusion.

A country creating millions of jobs in a single year? Well, that's exactly what China achieved in 2024! With almost 12 million new urban jobs, the country has demonstrated that, with well-aligned policies, it is possible to transform the job market and boost the economy. Let's understand how they got there?

The impact of macroeconomic policies on the labor market

China's success in 2024 was no accident. Macroeconomic policies were the driving force behind this true turnaround in the labor market.

Imagine saving billions while ensuring the survival of businesses and the preservation of jobs. That’s exactly what the temporary reduction of the unemployment insurance rate to 1% did. This measure saved businesses an estimated RMB 130,9 billion, allowing them to maintain their operations and continue hiring.

To give an extra boost, the Chinese government invested RMB 80,2 billion in subsidies. And it didn’t stop there: more than 2,66 million companies were supported with RMB 20,4 billion to avoid layoffs. The result? More than 56 million workers benefited!

Social inclusion and support for vulnerable groups

China is a global leader in technology and exports, influencing economies around the world. Its rapid growth is transforming cities and creating opportunities for millions of people.
China is a global leader in technology and exports, influencing economies around the world. Its rapid growth is transforming cities and creating opportunities for millions of people.

China also stood out for its attentive attention to the most vulnerable groups in society. Here, inclusion was not just a nice word, but an active practice.

Young people fresh out of college were not left out. The government created 1,32 million internship positions and sent 43 graduates to priority areas such as education and health. Long-time workers outside the market also found new opportunities.

Training was the order of the day. More than 12 million people participated in training programs, including migrant workers and 150 apprentices. This initiative not only opened doors to better jobs, but also strengthened the workforce in key sectors.

Results and goals for the future

The 2024 numbers speak for themselves: 11,98 million urban jobs created by November and millions of people reintegrated into the labor market. But what does this really mean?

Job creation not only kept the market stable, but also reduced inequalities. For example, 1,48 million people in vulnerable situations gained jobs, proving that inclusion is possible even in challenging times.

How China's model inspires other countries

China’s success is not an isolated case. It serves as an inspiration to nations seeking to balance economic growth with social justice. The formula is simple: strategic investment, support for the vulnerable, and a relentless focus on progress.

In a world full of uncertainty, China has shown that it is possible to build a solid and inclusive labor market with planning and determination. The actions implemented in 2024 have not only brought stability, but also paved the way for an even more promising future.

So, will other countries follow this example? One thing is certain: when it comes to creating jobs, China is not only at the top, but also leading the way towards a fairer and more sustainable model.

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Claudio Almeida
Claudio Almeida
01/01/2025 20:55

I wish the Chinese people and their leaders health, peace, joy and victories in the year 2025.
Brazil has gained an ally and an honest friendly nation.

Marcelo Mazzi
Marcelo Mazzi
In reply to  Claudio Almeida
04/01/2025 11:39

Enough of licking the boots of the IMF, the World Bank and American politics! Enough of the dollar, we need to create a multipolar world, with the use of currencies with global backing. In this case the Yuan!!! We need to put an end to the American "democratic capitalist" cynicism! Where there is capitalism, there is no democracy! Democracy is, among other things, equal opportunities, freedom of choice, a free press and social justice! Voting is not synonymous with democracy, especially if voting is mandatory! Voting is part of a democratic process!!!

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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