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City Hall of Rio Branco opens new public tender to fill 19 job vacancies and reserve registration with remuneration of up to R$ 18 thousand

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 18/05/2023 às 23:52
This is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking for new jobs in the region of Rio Branco, in Acre. The public tender of the prefecture is already with applications open for those interested.
Source: JC Concursos

This is the perfect opportunity for anyone looking for new jobs in the region of Rio Branco, in Acre. The public tender of the prefecture is already with applications open for those interested.

If you live in the Acre region and are looking for new directions in the job market, your time has come! A City Hall of Rio Branco opened registration for a new public tender. There are several job openings for Computer Technician, Accountant and Municipal Auditor. Registration will be held until June 19th. See below for more information about the selection process!

City Hall of Rio Branco launches public tender with job vacancies for various sectors

The City Hall of Rio Branco, capital of the state of Acre, released the notice for a new public tender, offering opportunities for middle and higher level candidates.

The contest, which aims to fill 19 immediate job vacancies and form a reserve register with another 11 vacancies, covering positions such as IT Technician, Municipal Auditor, Accountant and Municipal Attorney.

The Brazilian Institute for Executive Support and Development (IBADE) will be responsible for organizing the contest, and the tests are scheduled to take place on July 9, 2023.

Check below the positions, immediate job openings, reservation registration, weekly workload, requirements and remuneration offered:

Computer Technician: 2 immediate vacancies, 2 for reserve registration, workload of 30 hours per week, requirements: certificate of completion of High School and Certificate of Completion of the Computer Technician Course or equivalent. Remuneration: BRL 1.700,00.

Municipal Internal Control Auditor: 4 immediate vacancies, 2 for reserve registration, workload of 30 hours per week, requirements: diploma for completing a higher level course (bachelor or degree) recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). Remuneration: BRL 7.720,94.

Accountant: 8 immediate vacancies, 2 for reserve registration, workload of 30 hours per week, requirements: diploma of conclusion of graduation course in Accounting recognized by the Ministry of Education and registration in the regional council of the class. Remuneration: BRL 6.500,00.

City Attorney: 5 immediate vacancies, 5 for reserve registration, workload of 30 hours per week, requirements: diploma of conclusion of graduation course in Law recognized by the Ministry of Education, proof of forensic experience of at least two years, registration with the Portuguese Bar Association Brazil (OAB). Remuneration: BRL 18.840,00.

Find out how to register to compete for job openings in the new contest of the City Hall of Rio Branco

The City of Rio Branco is seeking to ensure even more employability in the region with the new job vacancies made available in the public tender.

Applications can be made from May 18 to June 19, 2023, exclusively through the IBADE website (http://www.ibade.org.br/). The registration fee amounts are as follows:

  • R$ 50,00 for high school and technical high school positions.
  • R$ 70,00 for Higher Education positions, except Municipal Attorney.
  • R$ 90,00 for the position of Municipal Attorney.

Candidates who are enrolled in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and are members of low-income families will have the opportunity to request exemption from payment of the registration fee.

The period to make this request will run from 10:18 am on the 23th to 59:19 pm on the XNUMXth of May, respecting local time in the city of Rio Branco, in the state of Acre.

Now, all you have to do is sign up for the selection process for the Rio Branco City Hall public tender and apply for jobs!

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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