Do you dream of going to college, but money is tight? New notice with 650 places in free online undergraduate courses in the areas of Pedagogy and Technology
The State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN) opened registrations for the Special Selection Process in Distance Education (PSEEaD-I) 2024. With support from the Open University of Brazil (UAB/CAPES), the initiative offers online undergraduate courses in the areas of Degree in Portuguese Language, Pedagogy and Systems Technologist for Internet. This is an excellent time for teachers and professionals interested in qualifications and career growth to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
The in-person support centers for the Literature course are located in Assu, Apodi, Grossos, Martins, Parelhas and Patu. The centers for the Pedagogy course are in Assu, Caraúbas, João Câmara, Parnamirim, Patu and São Gonçalo do Amarante. The Internet Systems course will be offered in Assu, Apodi, Guamaré, Parelhas and Patu. Thus, UERN guarantees broad coverage, facilitating access for students from different regions.
About free online courses and vacancies
In all, 650 are offered vacancies distributed among the three free online courses, covering several in-person centers. The Degree in Portuguese Language Arts and Degree in Pedagogy offer 250 places each, while the Internet Systems Technologist course offers 150 places. The classes will be held mainly in the distance learning format, with some face-to-face meetings at the support centers.
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Who can participate
Basic Education teachers, both from public and private schools, can participate in the selection process, as well as holders of a secondary school completion certificate. It is important to highlight that 30% of vacancies are reserved for in-service teachers, 5% for people with disabilities and 15% for self-declared black, brown or indigenous candidates. Therefore, UERN seeks to promote inclusion and diversity in the academic environment.
Registration is free and must be completed between July 16th and August 5th, 2024, exclusively via the DEaD/UERN website. When registering, candidates must choose one of the available centers and attach the required documentation. Teachers must prove their profession through a current pay stub, employment certificate or work card.
Selection process
The selection of candidates will be based on ENEM scores from 2010 to 2023. For teachers, the classification will also consider teaching experience. In case of a tie, the highest score in the ENEM writing test will be the tiebreaker. If the tie persists, age and length of teaching experience in the public network will be considered.
The final result will be announced by November 5, 2024, and institutional registrations will take place from November 6 to 15, 2024. Candidates must fill out an online form to enroll, confirming that they have no connection with other undergraduate courses in public institutions. Unfilled vacancies will be redistributed between centers and courses, according to the general classification.
Registration for undergraduate online courses (EAD)
To register, access the DEaD/UERN website and fill in the registration form. Make sure to send all necessary documents and choose the most convenient support center. This is an unmissable opportunity to obtain a quality qualification without leaving home. Check out the full notice HERE.