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Do you want to take a technical course at Senac? Entity opens more than 730 vacancies in Technical Courses in Logistics, Occupational Safety, HR and much more!

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 14/08/2024 às 18:38
Registration for Senac's EAD technical courses in MT opens today: guarantee your place in more than 700 opportunities and start in October.
Photo: Canva

Registration for EAD technical courses in MT opens today: guarantee your place in more than 700 opportunities and start in October.

The National Commercial Learning Service (Senac) begins this Monday, August 12th, the registration process for 734 vacancies in free technical courses in the Distance Education (EAD) modality. The opportunities are aimed at those who wish to qualify in different areas, with courses lasting from 10 to 22 months.

Details of the registration process for technical courses

The registration period runs until August 28th. Interested parties must register via the Senac website.

However, it is important to note that the process can be closed before the deadline if all vacancies are filled.

Os courses are available in 61 classes, distributed in centers located in Barra do Garças, Colíder, Cuiabá, Primavera do Leste, Rondonópolis, Sinop, Sorriso and Tangará da Serra.

To participate in classes and other online activities, candidates need to have basic computer skills and access to a computer with an internet connection.

Choice of course and center

During registration, candidates must select both the course and the center where they wish to undertake the training.

Course options include Administration, Accounting, Logistics, Environment, Quality, Human Resources, Secretarial, Occupational Safety, Real Estate Transactions and Optics (exclusive for residents of Mato Grosso).

Each course has specific requirements regarding the minimum age for registration.

The Technical Accounting course requires 15 years, while the Technical courses in Administration, Logistics, Environment, Occupational Safety, Human Resources and Quality require 16 years.

The Secretarial Technician course has a minimum age of 17, as does the Optics Technician, exclusively for residents of Mato Grosso.

The Technical course in Real Estate Transactions requires a minimum age of 18

The registration process for EAD technical courses follows the following schedule: registration begins on August 12th and runs until August 28th.

After this period, the classified candidates will be announced on September 25th. Classes are scheduled to start on October 14th.

Click here to register

Benefits of EAD technical courses

Os courses Technicians offered by Senac are an excellent opportunity for those who want to obtain a professional qualification with flexible working hours.

The distance learning modality allows students to adjust to their routines, studying at their own pace and from anywhere with internet access.

Furthermore, the free courses make this opportunity even more accessible for different candidate profiles.

More information about Senac’s free technical courses

Os courses Senac technicians are an advantageous option for those looking to prepare for the job market in strategic areas.

The distance learning modality offers flexibility and convenience, facilitating access to education for those who have other responsibilities.

It is essential that interested parties pay attention to the dates and requirements to ensure their participation.

For more information, visit the Senac website and register before all vacancies are filled. Take advantage of this opportunity to qualify and take an important step in your career.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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