Free technical courses offered and certified by SENAI and SENAC in partnership with the Secretariat of Education of ES, in different areas of knowledge.
The Government of the State of Espírito Santo, in partnership with System S (SENAI and SENAC), is Registration open for free technical courses. There are 1.504 places available for students from the state public network, enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of regular high school, or in the 1st or 2nd stage of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). With classes scheduled to start on August 19, 2024, the courses cover several areas and are an excellent opportunity for those who want to qualify and enter the job market with a competitive advantage.
The technical courses offered are developed with a focus on the demands of the job market, ensuring quality training and high employability. Among the free courses available, the following stand out: Logistics Technician, Systems Development Technician, Occupational Safety Technician, Internet IT Technician, and many others. The vacancies are distributed across several SENAI and SENAC units across the state, including the cities of Vitória, Serra, Linhares, and Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. This diversity allows students to choose the most convenient location to attend classes.
Technical courses available through Senai and Senac?
The notice includes a wide range of technical courses, each focused on a specific area of knowledge. Here are the available courses:
- Free courses in partnership with SEBRAE: Workshops on entrepreneurship, pricing and cash flow
- FGV: Fundação Getulio Vargas offers 12 free online courses, find out how to sign up
- Do you want to take a free, 100% distance learning course with a certificate? MEC is offering vacancies for courses in areas such as information, communication, management and others
- Want to add a USP course to your resume? The university is offering 300 places for a free online course!
- Logistics Technician
- Systems Development Technician
- Occupational Safety Technician
- Internet Computer Technician
- Electronics technician
- Mechanical technician
- Multimedia Technician
- Digital Game Programming Technician
- Technician in Renewable Energy Systems
Who can apply?
Students enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of regular high school or in the 1st or 2nd stage of EJA (High School), in public institutions in the state of Espírito Santo, can apply. Candidates must fill out the registration form available on the official website and choose only one course offering unit.
Selection process and enrollment
The selection of candidates will be based on criteria established in the notice, which consider factors such as educational history and participation in social programs. The results will be announced on August 12, 2024, on the SEDU and PRODEST websites. Selected candidates must register between August 13th and 15th, 2024, at the secretariats of the school units where the courses will be offered.
How to apply?
Registration will be carried out exclusively online, from July 29, 2024 to August 8, 2024. To register, the candidate must access the Pronatec Selection website, register on the Citizen Access Portal and fill out the registration form. It is important to provide truthful and complete information, as incorrect data may lead to cancellation of registration.
Don't miss this opportunity to qualify and prepare for the job market. Sign up now and guarantee your place in one of the free technical courses offered by Sistema S in partnership with the Secretariat of Education of the Holy Spirit.