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Do you want to take a technical course without spending anything? CEFET opens more than 2 THOUSAND vacancies in technical courses in Buildings, Mechanics, IT, Electrotechnical and more!

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 21/08/2024 às 22:00
CEFET-MG opens registrations for free technical courses in 2025 with 2.160 places available on several campuses in Minas Gerais.
Photo: Canva

CEFET-MG opens registrations for free technical courses in 2025 with 2.160 places available on several campuses in Minas Gerais.

The Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG) opened registrations for the selection process of Free Technical Courses for the 2025 academic year. Interested parties have until October 8 to register and participate in the selection process, which will offer 2.160 places. The test is scheduled for November 24th.

Vacancies and registration methods

As vacancies are distributed between the Vacancy Reservation System (SRV) and Broad Competition (AC) modalities.

Registration can be made via the CEFET-MG website. To register, candidates must pay a fee of R$70,00, with the possibility of requesting an exemption according to the rules established in the notice.

CEFET-MG has campuses in several cities in Minas Gerais, including Araxá, Belo Horizonte (on the Nova Switzerland and Nova Gameleira campuses), Contagem, Curvelo, Divinópolis, Leopoldina, Nepomuceno, Timóteo and Varginha.

Each campus offers a diverse range of technical courses.

Free technical courses available per CEFET campus

At Campus Varginha, Buildings, Mechatronics and IT courses are available. The Araxá Campus offers Buildings, Mining, Electronics and Mechanical.

In Contagem, the courses offered are Electronics, Environmental Control and IT. The Curvelo Campus has vacancies for Electrical Engineering, Environment and Buildings.

In Divinópolis, the courses Available options include Mechatronics, Fashion Production, Internet Computing, Computing and Electromechanics.

At the Leopoldina Campus, interested parties can enroll in Electromechanics, Information Technology, Electrotechnics, and Mechanics.

The Nepomuceno Campus offers Electrotechnical, Computer Network and Mechatronics.

At the Nova Gameleira Campus, courses in Buildings, Electronics, Biomedical Equipment, Electrical Engineering, IT and Computer Network are available.

The Nova Switzerland Campus offers Environment, Mechanics, Roads, Chemistry, Electromechanics, Mechatronics, Traffic and Accommodation. Finally, at the Timóteo Campus, the courses offered are Buildings, Chemistry, Metallurgy and Systems Development.

Selection process updates for 2024

For the year 2024, the CEFET test booklet will have 50 questions that will cover Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature, Mathematics, Science, Geography and History.

The syllabus reference matrix has been updated to align with the latest guidelines.

Furthermore, the Vacancy Reservation System (SRV) was modified in accordance with Law No. 14.723/2023.

Vacancies for courses of External Concomitance (CE) and Subsequent (SUB) will be offered in a unified manner.

The list of courses starting in the second semester of 2025 (Offer 2025/2) will be available on the registration screen.

Candidates can pay the registration fee by PIX, credit card or GRU Simples bank slip.

How to enroll in CEFET technical courses?

Those interested in free technical courses must access the official CEFET-MG website to register.

In addition to filling out the online form, you must pay the registration fee within the established deadline.

Click here to register

Fee exemption can be requested upon proof of income and other criteria defined in the edict.

It is important to follow all stages of the selective process CEFET and check the specific dates and times for the test.

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22/08/2024 06:41

The funny thing is that the ad says: “WITHOUT PAYING ANYTHING”, then you only pay 70,00 conto. The Brazil we deserve

Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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