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Green Hydrogen: Brazil’s hidden treasure that can transform the global economy and ensure our sustainable future

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 15/01/2025 às 17:10
green hydrogen, hydrogen, brazil
Photo: IA

Discover the energy revolution and the opportunities for Brazil to be a protagonist in the green hydrogen market

The energy crisis generated by the war in Ukraine exposed crucial vulnerabilities in the European Union, especially with regard to dependence on Russian natural gas.

This scenario has driven a global race for safer energy alternatives and sustainable.

In the midst of this, Brazil, with its vast sources of renewable energy, emerges as an emerging power in the market of green hydrogen, one of most promising alternatives for the global energy future, according to the video on the Elementar channel.

What is green hydrogen?

Considered the “fuel of the future”, Green hydrogen is a clean and highly efficient energy source.

Made by electricity from waterUsing renewable energy, green hydrogen stands out for not emitting carbon in its production process, which makes it fundamental for global decarbonization.

The main advantage of this type of hydrogen is its ability to be an alternative for sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as heavy industry and long-distance transport.

Brazil's potential in the green hydrogen market

With an already highly renewable energy matrix, which includes large hydroelectric and solar energy sources, Brazil has the potential to become one of the largest producers of green hydrogen in the world.

This scenario gains even more strength in view of the growing demand for alternatives to natural gas and coal, driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions. Countries like Germany have already started to invest in green hydrogen as a solution to their dependence on non-renewable energy sources, and Brazil is in a privileged position to meet this demand.

Hydrogen categories: Different pathways to production

Hydrogen production can be defined in three main types, according to the delivery process:

Gray hydrogen

Produced from natural gas ou coal, releasing carbon into the environment.

Blue hydrogen

Similar to grey hydrogen, but with CO2 capture and storage, helping to mitigate environmental impacts.

green hydrogen

Obtained by electrolysis of water, using renewable energy, without carbon emissions, being the most sustainable and ecological way of producing hydrogen.

Photo: ECO – SAPO

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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