After being forced by the Justice to maintain activities at the Ponta da Praia terminal, Grupo Libra affirms in a hearing this Monday, the 8th, the reduction of staff and the closure of boarding operations on the next 28th.
Grupo Libra confirmed, in a hearing at the 2nd Bankruptcy and Judicial Reorganization Court of the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ–SP), that it will reduce the number of professionals and close shipment operations, maintaining only the bonded storage service. The section was marked after Libra made a statement to workers that operations would end on the 28th. bankruptcy – and has a lease in force until May 2018.
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The director-president of Companhia Docas asks which metal boxes will be moved in view of the transfer of operations to other terminals. "What I'm actually going to do is inspect it." Since, according to the leasing contract, the company must move at least 400 units of containers per year.
The company issued a note informing that it will maintain bonded storage activities at its terminal and said that, within the specified period, “it will present in its Judicial Reorganization the project to adapt its structures for this new phase”.
about the employees
With approximately 800 employees, Carvalho says that the group's directors confirmed the need to reduce staff. Although nothing has been made official, there has been talk of a 50% reduction.
Grupo Libra preferred not to comment on the issue of jobs. The company limited itself to saying that it presented to the Court “the necessary explanations to clarify questions about the announcement of the shipowners changing the operation of their services from Libra to another terminal in the Port of Santos”.
Settaport – Union of Land Employees in Waterway Transport and Port Operators of the State of São Paulo, which represents approximately 500 professionals, reported having filed a labor lawsuit against the company this past week.
The decision aims to guarantee workers' rights, informs the president of Settaport, Francisco Nogueira.
Nogueira hopes that the company will keep the jobs until the end of the terminal's operating contract, which will allow for the transition and use of workers.
The president of Settaport was there on April 1st, as were the company's directors, but the conversations were no longer encouraging. “We were given the worst case scenario. They said they will not have operations from the 28th and there is no way to support a thousand professionals without doing anything at the terminal”.