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How the system that transforms water treatment and distribution infrastructures into electricity generators works

Published 22/01/2025 às 20:08
electricity, water
Photo credit: InPipe Energy

Innovative technologies are transforming water treatment and distribution systems into efficient generators of clean energy.

A InPipe Energy, American company founded in 2016, created an innovative solution to transform water distribution systems into sources of electricity renewable.

O HydroXS It is a generator that takes advantage of excess pressure in the pipes, generating clean and sustainable energy.

It replaces or bypasses traditional pressure relief valves with a microturbine and generator, regulating water pressure and utilizing the excess pressure to generate electricity.

Turning lost energy into electricity

Water distribution has always had an underexploited energy potential. HydroXS® is here to change that, harnessing wasted kinetic energy to generate electricity.

The system was developed in partnership with Grundfos, a company specializing in water flow solutions.

With it, the excess pressure that was previously lost can now be converted into useful energy to power local infrastructure or be injected into the electricity grid, complementing sources such as solar and wind power.

Replacing water pressure regulators

One of the great advantages of HydroXS is its ability to replace traditional pressure relief valves.

The pump-turbine system can be installed in place of these valves, regulating water pressure and, at the same time, generating electricity.

Installations equipped with this technology no longer need conventional pressure regulators, which simplifies operation and reduces costs.

Additionally, multiple HydroXS units can be installed in the same location, maximizing energy production and increasing return on investment.

It can be installed directly into existing pipes without the need to change the running water infrastructure, making it a practical solution for cities and industries.

Intelligent data management

HydroXS is not just a power generator. It comes equipped with advanced monitoring and data management tools.

Smart sensors ensure efficient operation by monitoring water flow and pressure in real time, 24 hours a day. This data helps prevent leaks, pipe ruptures and optimizes the use of generated energy.

The system's dashboard provides detailed information on electricity production and CO2 emissions savings, enabling more effective and sustainable management of water resources.

Success stories

HydroXS is already being used in several projects around the world. In Hillsboro, Oregon, for example, the system is designed to generate about 200.000 kWh of electricity per year, enough to power 20 homes, resulting in an estimated savings of one million dollars over the life of the project.

Additionally, it contributes to the reduction of more than 73 tons of carbon annually, helping the city achieve its climate goals.

Another example is the installation of the system at EBMUD, where it is designed to produce approximately 130.000 kWh of emissions-free energy annually, helping to reduce the region’s greenhouse gas emissions.

In Brazil, Companhia Águas de Joinville, in Santa Catarina, implemented a pioneering project in January 2024.

The turbine installed in the R-5 reservoir pipeline, in Vila Nova, generates approximately 40 kWh, enough to supply around 100 homes, resulting in an estimated annual saving of R$300 for the company.

versatile applications

HydroXS can be used in a variety of installations. It is ideal for companies specializing in water management and can be implemented in desalination plants, sewage treatment plants and urban water supply systems.

The versatility of the system allows it to be adapted to different piping configurations, making it a practical and efficient solution.

Economic and environmental benefits

Adopting HydroXS brings significant economic benefits. Not only does it reduce operating costs by eliminating the need for pressure regulators, but it also generates revenue by producing electricity that can be used or sold back to the grid.

From an environmental point of view, the system contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions, supporting the transition to renewable energy sources. The energy generated from water pressure is clean, inexhaustible and complementary to other sustainable sources.

Easy installation and maintenance

HydroXS installation is simple and does not require complex modifications to existing infrastructure. It can be installed in bypasses, i.e. in conduits already present in the water distribution network, facilitating its implementation without the need for major works.

Maintenance is also practical, thanks to the continuous monitoring offered by data management tools. This ensures greater reliability and a longer system life.

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