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Do you need to save energy? Adopt the White Tariff and reduce your electricity bill!

Written by Sara Aquino
Published 25/01/2025 às 19:00
Use the White Tariff to save energy! Find out how it works and who can join this great strategy
Source: Canva

Use the White Tariff to save energy! Find out how it works and who can join this great strategy

It's possible save energy when using household appliances at night? This is a recurring question among consumers and, in fact, these savings can be achieved through an alternative called the white tariff.

Created by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), this modality offers different rates according to the time of consumption, being cheaper during periods of low demand and more expensive during peak hours.

Check out how this alternative works, who can join and how to use it to save energy.

What is the white tariff?

A white fare It was developed by Aneel for low voltage consumers (127, 220, 380 or 440 Volts) and seeks to balance the costs of electricity distribution based on the time of use.

In practice, the consumer pays less when using energy outside of peak demand times and pays more when consuming during peak hours.

This initiative aims to optimize electrical infrastructure and encourage conscious consumption.

Tariff periods are divided as follows:

Rush hour (usually 17pm to 20:30pm): higher fare;

Intermediate schedule (from 16:30 pm to 17:30 pm and from 20:30 pm to 21:30 pm): moderate fare;

Off-peak hours (from 21:30 pm to 16:30 pm the next day): reduced rate.

Exact times may vary depending on the local distributor, so it is important to consult your energy provider.

How to save energy using this technique?

For the white tariff to result in savings, it is necessary to adapt consumption habits, prioritizing the use of equipment during off-peak hours.

For example, washing clothes, ironing clothes and using heaters or high-power appliances outside of peak hours can generate a significant reduction in your electricity bill.

A practical tip to optimize energy use is to invest in devices such as smart plugs, which allow you to program the operation of electronic devices. This helps to avoid involuntary use at more expensive times.

Who can join?

The white tariff is available to most consumers, including the following segments:



Industrial, commercial and services;

Public service and own consumption.

However, some exceptions are important.

Consumers in the Low Income Residential subclass, who receive discounts on their bills, cannot opt ​​for the white tariff.

Furthermore, this modality is not applicable to public lighting.

How to join the white tariff?

To request the change For the white tariff, you must contact the electricity distributor in your region.

After the request, the dealership has up to 30 days to make the change.

If the consumer decides to return to the conventional tariff, the request can be made at any time, and the change will be made within the same 30-day period.

However, after returning to the conventional tariff, a new subscription to the white tariff can only be requested after 180 days.

Is this strategy worth using?

The white tariff can be an excellent alternative for saving energy, as long as the consumer has habits that prioritize the use of energy outside of peak hours.

Before opting for this option, it is essential to evaluate the consumption profile of the home or company to ensure that the change will actually bring financial advantages.

Adopting the white tariff requires planning, but it can be an efficient way to reduce costs and contribute to the sustainability of the electrical system.

Carry out a detailed analysis of your consumption and, if feasible, take advantage of this alternative to save energy in an intelligent way!

With information from: https://canaltech.com.br/eletro/como-economizar-energia-usando-eletrodomesticos-de-madrugada/

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Sara Aquino

General Pharmacist and Writer. I write about Jobs, Courses, Science, Technology and Energy. Passionate about reading, writing and music.

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