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Investments in Residential Solar Energy in Brazil Exceed R$ 150 Billion and Reach 31 GW, reveals ABSOLAR.

Written by Corporate
Published 14/08/2024 às 10:13
solar own generation, photovoltaic technology
Investments in Own Solar Generation in Brazil Exceed R$ 150 Billion and Reach 31 GW, says ABSOLAR'. – PHOTO: ©2024|Press ABSOLAR/b>

Investments in own solar generation exceed R$150 billion and 31GW installed, with 931 thousand green jobs and 3,9 million consumer units served in Brazil.

Investments in own solar generation surpassed the R$150 billion mark, reaching an impressive total of 31GW of installed capacity. This significant advance resulted in the generation of 931 thousand green jobs, benefiting approximately 3,9 million consumer units throughout Brazil. According to the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR), since 2012, this modality has not stopped growing, confirming its crucial role in national energy matrix.

This progress in own solar generation is a clear indication of the potential of photovoltaic technology to transform the economy and the environment. The adoption of solar self-generation systems has brought significant benefits, not only in financial terms, but also in the creation of a sustainable and long-lasting infrastructure. With continued efforts in research and development, this growth trend is expected to remain robust in the coming years, bringing even greater efficiency and accessibility to the energy sector.

The mark of 31 gigawatts (GW) of installed power in homes, businesses, industries, rural properties and public buildings in Brazil, according to mapping by the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR).

Creation of Green Jobs and Public Coffers

According to a survey conducted by the entity, the sector was crucial in creating more than 931 thousand green jobs accumulated since 2012, in addition to providing public coffers with revenue of more than R$44,7 billion. According to ABSOLAR's balance sheet, more than 3,9 million consumer units are currently served by photovoltaic technology, with more than 2,8 million systems installed on roofs, facades and small plots of land. Own solar generation is already present in 5.550 municipalities and in all Brazilian states.

Popularization of Photovoltaic Technology

Ronaldo Koloszuk, president of the Board of Directors of ABSOLAR, notes that the growth in self-generation of solar energy is a clear indication of the popularization of photovoltaic technology in the national territory. Market analysts show that, only in 2023, the prices of solar panels suffered a drop of around 50% in the final average value, increasing attractiveness and accessibility for Brazilian consumers of different profiles. 'Therefore, this is the best time to invest in solar systems in homes, businesses and rural properties', he comments.

Potential for Growth in the Use of Technology

Furthermore, there is immense potential for growth in the use of own solar generation, given that Brazil has around 92,4 million electricity consuming units in the captive market. The CEO of ABSOLAR, Rodrigo Sauaia, states that the expansion of its own solar generation strengthens Brazil in the geopolitics of global energy transition. 'Photovoltaic technology also promotes sustainability, relieves family budgets and increases competitiveness of sectors Brazilian productive sectors', he explains.

Multidimensional Benefits of Own Solar Generation

'Solar generation close to consumption locations reduces the need to use transmission infrastructure, relieves pressure on water resources, reduces electrical losses over long distances and provides greater autonomy and power of choice for consumers. Additionally, it reduces emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, contributing significantly to the protection of the environment', concludes Sauaia.


Founded in 2013, the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR) is the entity that brings together all links in the value chain of photovoltaic solar sources and other clean technologies, such as electrical energy storage and green hydrogen. With national and international members of all sizes, the entity positions itself as an essential source of information and coordination in favor of the sustainable energy transition in Brazil.

Source: © ABSOLAR Press

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