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  3. / ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica) has vacancies open for free courses that are 100% online and have no selection process! Opportunities for candidates of any age and from all over Brazil!
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ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica) has vacancies open for free courses that are 100% online and have no selection process! Opportunities for candidates of any age and from all over Brazil!

Written by Sara Aquino
Published 23/01/2025 às 19:00
ITA, in partnership with Coursera, offers free and online courses: An incredible opportunity to advance your career
Source: Canva

ITA, in partnership with Coursera, offers free online courses: An incredible opportunity to improve your career!

O Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), recognized for its academic excellence and one of the most challenging entrance exams in the country, is expanding its impact on education. ITA now offers free online courses in partnership with Coursera, allowing students and professionals to improve their skills at no cost.

Why choose ITA courses?

Studying with ITA is synonymous with quality and relevance in the market. The courses are developed by specialists from the institution and cover topics aligned with the latest technological and industrial trends. Among the main benefits They are:

Flexibility: All courses are 100% online and self-paced, allowing you to study at your own pace;

Professional updating: Content covers areas such as agile development, Java and systems control, providing essential tools for the job market;

Certification: Although the free version does not include certificates, you can opt for certification for a fee.

How to access online courses?

Access is simple and can be done directly through the platform Coursera. Check step by step:

1-Create a free account on Coursera;

2-Search for ITA courses on the platform;

3-Choose the desired course and select audit mode to access all content free of charge.

courses available

ITA offers a variety of free courses focused on technology and engineering. Check out the main ones:

1-Introduction to Systems Control: understand the fundamentals of systems control and its importance in modern society.

link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/introducao-ao-controle-de-sistemas

2-Control using frequency response: learn how to use the frequency response of linear and time-invariant systems.

link: https://www.coursera.org/learn/controle-usando-resposta-em-frequencia

3-Discrete-time control: explore discrete-time control systems with a focus on real-world applications.
Link to registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/controle-a-tempo-discreto

4-Systems control in the s-plane: study the root locus (lgr) and its impact on the transfer function.

Link to registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/controle-de-sistemas-no-plano-s

5-Agile development with design patterns: Enhance your object-oriented programming skills with design patterns and agile methodologies.

Link to registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/desenvolvimento-agil-com-padroes-de-projeto

6-Agile development with advanced Java: Dive deeper into Java and web development with database access.

Link for registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/desenvolvimento-agil-com-java-avancado

7-Introduction to modern control: understand how to design control systems in state space.

Link for registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/introducao-ao-controle-moderno

8-Agile Software Development Principles: master popular techniques like Scrum and Extreme Programming (xp).

Link for registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/principios-de-desenvolvimento-agil-de-software

9-TDD – Test-Driven Software Development: Practice test-driven development techniques with hands-on activities.

Link for registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/tdd-desenvolvimento-de-software-guiado-por-testes

10Object Orientation with Java: Learn the principles of object orientation and how to apply them to agile projects.

Link for registration: https://www.coursera.org/learn/orientacao-a-objetos-com-java

Why take advantage of this opportunity?

Os free courses ITA's online courses offer the chance to expand your knowledge with high-quality content that is accessible at any time. With an increasingly competitive market, these skills can make an important difference in your career.

Don't miss this opportunity to study with one of the most renowned institutions in the country. Start today and invest in your future!

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Sara Aquino

General Pharmacist and Writer. I write about Jobs, Courses, Science, Technology and Energy. Passionate about reading, writing and music.

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