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MEC approved: NEW LAW prohibits the use of cell phones in public and private schools! Project advances in the Chamber of Deputies and may come into effect soon!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 30/10/2024 às 20:29
new law - chamber of deputies - lula - mec - cell phone
photo/reproduction: Canva

The measure aims to control the use of electronic devices during classes and breaks, allowing them only for educational purposes! Proposal put forward for analysis by the CCJ and approved by the MEC

This Wednesday, the 30th, the Education Committee of Câmara dos Deputados approved a bill that restricts the use of electronic devices in public and private schools. The measure, which is now being analyzed by the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ), prohibits the use of cell phones not only in the classroom, but also during breaks and recess, for all students in basic education. The proposal is restrictive, but there are approaches : use will be permitted for educational purposes, accessibility and inclusion cases, and also for health reasons, according to g1.

New project has support from the MEC and the government

O Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Lula government demonstrated support for the project. Education Minister Camilo Santana stated that the text “is aligned with government guidelines for education" and supports its rapid processing so that the new rules can be broken this year. The justification for the proposal is accompanied by real concerns: the rapporteur, congressman Diego Garcia (Republicanos-PR), highlights that the exclusion aims to protect children and adolescents from the negative impacts of excessive screen use. "We want to protect childhood and prevent future problems, both individual and social.”, explains Garcia.

For students in preschool and elementary school, use will be completely restricted, while high school students will be able to carry cell phones, as long as they remain turned off most of the time.

Use of cell phones in the school environment: a growing debate

The use of cell phones in schools is a topic of discussion in several countries. In France, the separation of cell phone use during classes and breaks has been applied to students up to 15 years old since 2018. In the Netherlands , cell phones and other electronic devices have been banned since the beginning of 2024, with permission only for activities directly linked to the class. In China, the control is even stricter: students need their parents' permission to carry cell phones and must hand them over to teachers during school hours.

new law - chamber of deputies - lula - mec - cell phone
photo/reproduction: Canva

Mental health and support are priorities in the new proposal

As excessive screen use is becoming a public health problem, the Chamber's project also provides for psychological support measures for students. The idea is that schools offer spaces for listening and welcoming, with professionals trained to help students who face difficulties such as nomophobia, fear or anxiety of being without a cell phone, which already affect the sleep and social relationships of many young people.

The proposal also includes daily training to train educators and staff in identifying signs of psychological distress and in preventing the effects of excessive use of electronic devices.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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