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Marcopolo announces giant investment of R$ 260 MILLION to expand bus production in its factory and should generate 500 jobs in Brazil

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 13/08/2024 às 18:52
Marcopolo invests R$260 million in a factory in ES and creates 500 new jobs focused on producing electric buses.
Photo: Auto Data

Marcopolo invests R$260 million in a factory in ES and creates 500 new jobs with a focus on producing electric buses.

Marcopolo, one of the main bus manufacturers in Brazil, is preparing for a significant expansion in its factory located in São Mateus, Espírito Santo. The company announced an investment of R$260 million for the construction of a new production line dedicated exclusively to the manufacture of electric buses. This expansion will not only increase the unit's production capacity, but will also generate 500 new jobs by 2025.

Factory expansion and new investment

Marcopolo's investment aims to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles and reinforce the company's presence in the sustainable transport sector.

The project includes the expansion of factory existing and the installation of modern equipment for the production of electric buses with bodies and chassis developed by the company itself.

The vice-governor of Espírito Santo, Ricardo Ferraço, accompanied the visit to the factory along with the president of the Federation of Industries, Paulo Baraona, and the CFO of Marcopolo, Pablo Motta. During the visit, Ferraço highlighted the importance of expansion for the state.

“We are here on the day that the factory completes production of the first conventional bus destined for export, taking the name and work of Espírito Santo abroad. There are currently 2.000 employees at the Marcopolo unit, and with these new investments, at least 500 more jobs will be created, offering even more opportunities for people from Espírito Santo,” he stated.

Impact on the local community

The expansion of factory has a direct impact on the local community, offering new jobs and contributing to the economic development of the region.

Neiva Maria, one of Marcopolo's employees, expressed her enthusiasm with the expansion and the benefits that the company brought to her life and the community.

“I live in São Mateus, and the company is very close to the city. We have buses that pick us up at our door and take us to the factory. With this job, I was able to buy my car. I am very proud to work here and I am very happy,” said Neiva.

The factory expansion is part of Marcopolo's ongoing effort to adapt to new market demands and to contribute to environmental sustainability.

The electric bus production project reflects the company's commitment to innovation and green technology.

Outlook for the future

The new electric bus production line is scheduled to begin operations in October, with the first Marcopolo Attivi unit expected to be completed during this period.

Currently, the factory It has the capacity to produce up to 20 vehicles per day, but with the expansion, this capacity will be increased to 26 buses per day. This increase in production represents a significant advance and a reinforcement of the region's production chain.

Furthermore, Marcopolo's project is aligned with the State Government's goals for the adoption of more sustainable technologies.

The Government of Espírito Santo plans to acquire 50 electric buses for the Transcol System fleet by the beginning of 2025, contributing to improving the quality of public transport and reducing pollutant emissions.

The expansion of the factory and the launch of the electric bus production line are a reflection of Marcopolo's commitment to innovation and sustainability, as well as an important contribution to the economic and social growth of the region.

Marcopolo is not only increasing its production capacity, but it is also generating new jobs and strengthening the local community.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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