Through investment in the plant project in Triângulo Mineiro, thousands of jobs will be created during the construction phase of the project.
With more than R$ 1 billion of planned investment, a mega investment in a new plant in the sugar and alcohol sector is being built in Prata, in the Triângulo Mineiro. Created by a consortium of companies from the sugar and ethanol industry, the plant can generate around 600 direct job openings during the construction period of the project alone. Already considered one of the fundamental pillars of the Prata Biotechnology consortium of companies, the start of operations of the new plant is scheduled for the year 2028. The sugar and ethanol industry consortium is the result of the merger of three companies, namely: Grupo Queiroz and Queiroz Bioenergia, Usina Boa Esperança and JP Andrade Agropecuária. The plant will be built in Prata, Triângulo Mineiro, with construction starting in January 2026.
New plant for the sugar and ethanol industry in Prata: investment in the sector promises to generate MANY job vacancies
MEGA INVESTMENT: the new plant is expected to come into operation in 2028, with the estimate of generating more than a thousand jobs in the Triângulo Mineiro region. Forecasts made by the sugar and ethanol industry consortium Prata Biotecnologia indicate that the plant will generate around R$825 million in profit in the first year of operation.
The company's planning indicates that in the following years (2029 and 2030) the new plant's annual revenue will reach R$1,07 billion.
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According to Leandro Andrade, current director of investment attraction at the Investment Promotion Agency of the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, InvestMinas, the energy transition that follows new trends, involves agroindustry and, mainly, the sugar and ethanol industry.
“The State has been consolidating itself as one of the largest or even the largest producer of sugar and ethanol in Brazil. Since the government signed the Race to Zero – a global program to eliminate carbon emissions – InvestMinas and the State government have been working to promote green energy industries, with attraction of this type being strategic and a priority. business”, highlighted Andrade.
New plant will be modern and will contribute to regional agribusiness
When dealing with environmental issues, Florencio Queiroz Neto, one of the managers of Prata Biotecnologia, highlighted the high potential of agribusiness in the Triângulo Mineiro region, strengthening the regional economy and social development.
“The municipality of Prata will receive a modern, technological and inclusive industry, producing food and energy with sustainability and social responsibility”, said Queiroz Neto.
The new scenario greatly pleases Marcel Vieira Rodrigues Rosa, mayor of the city of Prata. Known as Xexéu (Progressive Party), Rodrigues Rosa emphasized the MEGA INVESTMENT in the new plant in Prata, which will further boost the local economy.
“It is more than R$1 billion for our municipality, a sum that we believe will improve the structure of the rural area and will make our land produce more. It will also generate more taxes and we hope it will increase the municipality's per capita income. It’s a chain of situations that only tends to get better”, highlighted the mayor of city of Prata.
Prata Biotecnologia counts on InvestMinas to complete the project
In order for the new plant project to be completed within the estimated deadline, the sugar and ethanol industry consortium Prata Biotecnologia is counting on the support of InvestMinas to obtain environmental licensing, in addition to negotiating areas for planting sugar cane.
In detail, Leandro Andrade, from InvestMinas, highlighted: “We not only have a mapping of the areas that have the potential to receive this type of investment, but also transversal advisory work on the entire State infrastructure necessary to implement the investment”.
Prata Biotecnologia is also counting on the support of Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais, Cemig, and has requested monitoring of the environmental licensing process at the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Semad.
Strategic location of the city of Prata facilitates construction of a new plant in the region
In addition to generating varied job vacancies for the Prata region and counting on a MEGA INVESTMENT in its construction, the sugar and ethanol industry consortium chose Prata in consideration of its altitude and also its geological and environmental conditions. In any case, the city of Prata is prepared to be the ideal place for the organization and logistics of a future input distribution point.
Still highlighting the plant that will be built in 2028, Leandro Andrade concluded by saying: “Whether it is sugarcane, sugar or fuel, Prata is a strategic point and already has several other industries that have also invested a lot in the region”.
With a high potential for generating many job vacancies, enhancing the local economy and potentially becoming a future distribution point for inputs, the new plant with MEGA INVESTMENT could have a positive impact on the energy transition that Brazil and the world so desire.