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NASA has reinvented the WHEEL – the result is unbelievable

Published 25/01/2025 às 20:53
Photo: Reproduction

NASA has developed an innovative wheel with cutting-edge technology, offering performance and strength never seen before.

NASA has once again surprised the world by reinventing something that had seemed perfect for centuries: the wheel. In a relentless pursuit of innovation, scientists at the space agency have developed a new version of this fundamental object, using cutting-edge technology and cutting-edge materials.

The image of Mars, the mysterious red planet, has fascinated humanity for centuries. Its surface, a rugged and challenging desert, holds secrets that we long to uncover. Although robotic missions have already explored part of the planet, only 1% of its vastness was explored.

NASA is determined to go further, and the key to this new era of space exploration lies in a breakthrough technology: spring tires made of shape memory alloy.

Imagine a vehicle capable of navigating the most inhospitable terrain on Mars, overcoming obstacles and withstanding extreme conditions.

That’s the promise behind this new generation of tires, developed in partnership between NASA’s Glenn Research Center and Goodyear.

These tires, tested in environments that simulate the Martian surface, represent a fundamental step towards the realization of future manned and robotic missions to the Red Planet.

The importance of tires in space exploration

Exploration of Mars and other celestial bodies depends on the ability to move efficiently and safely. Rovers, the exploration robots that travel on these surfaces, require robust and adaptable tires to face the challenges of the terrain.

On Mars, with its uneven and rocky surface, tire durability and adaptability are crucial.

That's where shape memory alloy spring tires come in. (SMA). This technology, which allows metal to return to its original shape after being deformed, is already used by NASA decades ago.

However, its application in tires is an innovation that promises to revolutionize space exploration.

The genesis of innovation

The story behind the development of these tires is marked by a coincidence that resulted in a revolutionary discovery.

Dr. Santo Padula II, a materials research engineer at NASA Glenn, and Colin Creager, a mechanical engineer at the same institution, met by chance after a meeting.

Creager shared with Padula the challenges he faced at NASA's Simulated Lunar Operations Laboratory (SLOPE), where simulations of the lunar and Martian surfaces were performed to test the performance of rovers.

The problem? The spring tires of the time, made of steel, suffered from plasticization, an irreversible deformation that compromised their functionality.

Padula, an expert in shape memory alloys, saw the solution: “I have your solution. I’m developing a new alloy that will solve this.” And so the idea for SMA tires began to take shape.

Shape memory alloys

Shape memory alloys are metals that have the ability to “remember” their original shape, even after being subjected to extreme deformations.

This unique property is due to its atomic structure, which allows the material to reconfigure itself after being bent, stretched, heated or cooled.

The NASA team, led by Padula, developed a nickel-titanium alloy capable of withstanding extreme deformations without suffering permanent damage.

This alloy, applied to spring tires, guarantees unprecedented resistance and flexibility, allowing the tires to return to their original shape even after violent impacts.

Rigorous testing on simulated terrain

With the technology developed, the next step was to put it through rigorous testing. In the fall of 2024, the NASA team traveled to the Airbus Mars Yard in the United Kingdom, a facility that simulates the challenging conditions of Martian terrain. There, the SMA tires were tested in a variety of scenarios, including uphill, downhill, rocky, and sandy terrain.

The results were impressive. The tires exceeded expectations, demonstrating exceptional stability, maneuverability and obstacle-crossing capabilities.

Slippage and deformation were minimal, proving the technology’s effectiveness in extreme conditions.

The Future of Space Exploration

The successful testing of SMA tires opens up a range of possibilities for space exploration. NASA is already exploring new applications for this technology, including developing tires for lunar rovers and creating protective systems for space habitats.

In addition, research into shape memory alloys continues to advance. The goal is to extend the operating temperature capability of these materials, enabling their use in even more extreme environments.

This research aims to develop materials that can absorb the impact of micrometeorites, ensuring the safety of astronauts and scientists on lunar and Martian missions.

With information from NASA.

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Fabio Lucas Carvalho

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