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Norway is on track to reach 100% ELECTRIC CARS by 2025: A future that is already a reality!

Written by Carla Teles de Lima
Published 08/01/2025 às 21:29
Norway is on track to reach 100% ELECTRIC CARS by 2025: A future that is already a reality!
In Norway, almost all new cars sold are now electric. The country is leading the world in the sustainable vehicle revolution and is on track to reach 100% electric sales by 2025.

With nearly 90% of new car sales being electric by 2024, Norway is leading the global automotive revolution and is on the verge of phasing out gasoline and diesel vehicles entirely.

Have you ever imagined a country where virtually all new cars are electric? It may seem like a distant future, but in Norway, it’s almost a reality. In 2017, the country set an audacious goal: to ensure that by 2025, 100% of vehicles sold would be electric or plug-in hybrids. And guess what’s amazing? They’re about to achieve that goal!

The ambitious goal: 100% electric cars by 2025

While many countries were still discussing the transition from diesel to gasoline, Norway had already envisioned a future emission-free. In 2017, only 5,1% of cars sold in Spain were electrified, while the Norwegians planned to revolutionize the automotive market. With a clear vision and effective strategies, the country has achieved impressive figures: by 2024, almost 90% of cars sold will be electric.

Why is Norway leading the electric car market?

Charging an electric car in Norway is super easy, with charging stations spread throughout the country. Simply plug in your vehicle and it’s ready to go in no time!
Charging an electric car in Norway is super easy, with charging stations spread throughout the country. Simply plug in your vehicle and it’s ready to go in no time!

The secret lies in the combination of smart incentives and collective awareness. In Norway, buying an electric car is cheaper, thanks to exemption from VAT (25%) and import duties. The government has invested heavily in building a robust infrastructure, with charging stations spread throughout the country.

Other important point is the mentality of the Norwegians. With a focus on sustainability, the population has embraced the idea of ​​reducing CO2 emissions, realizing that electric cars are not only better for the environment, but also for the wallet.

The numbers don't lie: The electric age has arrived

Want proof? By November 2024, 93,6% of cars sold in Norway were fully electric. For every gasoline or diesel car sold, hundreds of electric cars hit the streets. That same year, the country recorded a historic milestone: the number of electric cars surpassed the number of gasoline vehicles for the first time.

And what about plug-in hybrids? In Norway, they have a tiny market share, accounting for just 2,7% of sales in 2024. The country has chosen to jump straight into the future, leaving aside intermediate solutions.

The economic and environmental impact

The transition to electric cars has brought clear benefits. CO2 emissions have plummeted, helping the country meet its climate goals. However, this revolution has not come without challenges. Tax exemptions have created a revenue shortfall, forcing the government to adjust its policies to maintain fiscal balance.

Still, the long-term strategy has proven to be a good one. Encouraging the adoption of electric cars has helped transform Norway into a global example of sustainable mobility.

Lessons from Norway for the World

What can the rest of the world learn from Norway? First, that well-planned public policies make all the difference. Second, that environmental education is crucial to engaging the population. And lastly, that the electric future is within our reach — all we need is political will and determination.

So if a small Scandinavian country has managed to transform its vehicle fleet in such a short space of time, why can’t others do the same? After all, the future doesn’t wait. And Norway is already at the finish line, while the rest of the world is still warming up its engines. 

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Carla Teles de Lima

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