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President Lula sanctions rule that limits the increase in the minimum wage; see the new value decreed!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 04/01/2025 às 09:44
MINIMUM WAGE - LULA - minimum wage - government
The new minimum wage for 2025 will be R$1.518, representing an increase of R$106 in relation to the current minimum wage - photo/reproduction: Getty

The new minimum wage for 2025 will be R$1.518, representing an increase of R$106 in relation to the current minimum wage

The president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sanctioned a new rule that establishes limits for the readjustment of minimum wage.

According to the new legislation, the minimum wage to 2025 will be R$1.518, representing an increase in R$106 compared to the current value of R$1.412.

The final value will be officially confirmed soon, through a presidential decree, according to the website economiaaominuto.

Purpose of the new adjustment rule

The measure is part of a package of mandatory spending cuts proposed by the federal government and approved by the National Congress.

The new rule limits the adjustment of minimum wage a 2,5% above inflation between 2025 e 2030.

This adjustment aims to keep up with the growth of salary to the limits established by the new fiscal framework.

Details on the current adjustment policy

Currently, the adjustment policy of minimum wage remains in force.

From 2023 , the increase is based on the sum of inflation measured by the National Consumer Price Index ( INPC ) in 12 months to November and in the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the previous two years.

The difference now is that there will be a readjustment ceiling of 2,5% above inflation.

Economic impact of the new minimum wage law

The approval of the law of minimum wage should generate savings of $ 15,3 billion in the next five years.

MINIMUM WAGE - LULA - minimum wage - government
The new minimum wage for 2025 will be R$1.518, representing an increase of R$106 in relation to the current minimum wage – photo/reproduction: Disclosure

This is due to the fact that for each R$1 of increase in minimum wage, expenses increase by R $ million 392, mainly due to Social Security and benefits linked to the minimum, such as the Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC).

Comparison with previous rule and new values

With the previous rule, the minimum wage to 2025 would be around R$1.528, considering inflation by INPC de 4,84% and the growth of 3,2% do TAX ID No em 2023.

The new rule limits this increase to 2,5%, resulting in the new value of R$1.518.

When will the new minimum wage be paid?

The new salarythe duty to be paid at the end of January or beginning of February, referring to the days worked in January 2025.

The change reflects the government's commitment to balancing economic growth and fiscal sustainability.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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