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Russia and North Korea restore RAILWAY after 3 years: Connection brings together 1.200 passengers and reinforces billion-dollar agreements

Written by Rafaela Fabris
Published 16/12/2024 às 20:41
Russia and North Korea restore RAILWAY after 3 years: Connection brings together 1.200 passengers and reinforces billion-dollar agreements
The railway connects Russia and North Korea on a 20km route, has already carried 1.200 passengers since resumption and operates three times a week.

The railway, suspended since 2020, has already transported more than 1.200 people and promises to boost trade between the countries. Strategic agreements include shipments of weapons, advanced technology and even the mobilization of 10.000 North Korean soldiers.

Restarting a railway may seem like a simple matter, but when it involves two countries in such unique geopolitical situations as Russia and North Korea, it carries enormous weight. After three years of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the railway connecting these nations has been restored. But what does that actually mean? Let’s explore the details.

The railway that brought two worlds together again

The coronavirus pandemic has paralyzed borders, flights and, of course, rail connections. Between the cities of Kazan in Russia and Tumangang in North Korea, rail traffic has been halted, leaving passengers and cargo without this strategic route. For three years, the railway was silent, like a dark tunnel waiting for the light at the end.

On Monday, December 16, the first train crossed the border again, carrying two Russian passengers. Although it may seem small, this event marks the return of a vital connection. Rail traffic is now running regularly, allowing people to cross the border three times a week. Customs has also expanded its schedules, signaling a coordinated effort to revitalize the route.

Russia-North Korea cooperation: a strategic relationship

The railway connects the Russian city of Khasan, located in the Primorsky Krai region, with Tumangang station in North Korea, close to the border with China. Khasan is Russia's easternmost railway point, while Tumangang is an important gateway for freight and passenger transport into North Korea.
The railway connects the Russian city of Khasan, located in the Primorsky Krai region, with Tumangang station in North Korea, close to the border with China. Khasan is Russia's easternmost railway point, while Tumangang is an important gateway for freight and passenger transport into North Korea.

The railway is not alone in its revival. Recently, additional flights between Vladivostok and Pyongyang have also been implemented. The two countries have signed agreements aimed at increasing freight transport. What was once just a railway is now turning into a symbol of economic cooperation.

This connection goes beyond transportation. According to reports, North Korea has supplied munitions to Russia, in exchange for advanced technology. More than 10.000 North Korean troops have already been deployed to conflict zones in Ukraine. This alliance is not it's just logistics, but also military, challenging the international balance of power.

The role of the railway in strengthening the alliance

The railway is not just about tracks and railcars. It represents an important economic conduit for both countries. For Russia, it offers an additional route for transporting goods amid international sanctions. For North Korea, it brings easier access to resources and technology.

It is no secret that cooperation between Russia and North Korea raises global concerns. The reopening of the railway can be seen as a strategic move to strengthen ties amid international tensions. However, with it also comes challenges, such as possible additional sanctions or criticism from other nations.

The resumption of the rail link between Russia and North Korea symbolizes much more than the return of a train to the tracks. It represents a new phase of strategic cooperation, challenging the global geopolitical order.

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18/12/2024 00:42

But aren't these the **** bankrupt countries?

Rafaela Fabris

He talks about innovation, renewable energy, oil and gas. With over 1.200 articles published in the CPG, he updates daily on opportunities in the Brazilian job market. Suggestions for topics: rafafabris11@gmail.com

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