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Urgent: Seara is hiring candidates with and without experience in more than 10 Brazilian states

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 07/08/2022 às 11:24
Urgente - Seara is hiring candidates with and without experience in more than 10 Brazilian states
Seara has new opportunities open - image: Reproduction/JC ON

Seara has dozens of new job vacancies open for professionals with and without experience in several states of the country. There are opportunities for operators, supervisors, interns and many others.

A In the evening , a company founded over 60 years ago that works to provide food that brings confidence, innovation and practicality, has more than 70 job openings for candidates with and without experience. Positions at Seara are available in 10 states across the country.

List of job openings for candidates with and without experience at Seara

We separate a list of vacancies available at Seara for professionals from various locations in the country and their main information:

Production operator

Responsible for supplying the production lines using scales, returning the packages to the warehouse, supplying the lines with pots and buckets for filling, among others.

External Sales Supervisor

Responsible for managing the customer portfolio, ensuring the correct display of Seara's products in all sectors of the store, leaving them organized and visible to the consumer on the shelf, among others.

External salesman

Responsible for managing commercial indicators, interface with administrative areas, prospecting for new customers, among others.

Agricultural Extensionist

Responsible for serving poultry outgrowers, managing indicators and results and providing general technical guidance on all aspects of production.

Administrative Assistant - 3nd Shift

Responsible for printing packing lists and labels for unloading on the scale, providing assistance in administrative area processes, output of invoices, entry routine, among others.

Maintenance Assistant - Building

Responsible for building maintenance, painting, minor civil construction repairs, plumbing and similar activities.

Export Analyst - Documentation

Responsible for guaranteeing and contributing alongside the leader of the export documentation team, the issuance of shipping documents, in accordance with the legislation, as well as with all the procedures required for excellence in providing services to the Foreign Market.

Participate in Seara's selection process

Interested in any of the job openings? Know that there are still several others in the Seara's website.

On the page, select the position you want and carefully read all the requirements, assignments and benefits informed by the company. For the application, interested parties must fill out a fully updated form with essential data and send a resume with current data.

In addition to a salary compatible with the labor market, Seara also offers its employees with and without experience a series of benefits such as medical assistance, in-house restaurant, profit sharing, transportation vouchers, dental assistance, life insurance, -food, games room and many others.

About Seara

Seara has been in the food market for more than six decades, working to provide products that generate confidence, innovation and practicality for the tables of many Brazilians, always with the flavor and quality that surprise the whole family. Always investing in technology, innovation and quality, Seara is expanding every year, currently being one of the largest food producers in Brazil and the world.

All of its products undergo processes that guarantee the highest quality and origin, and its complete product portfolio has everything its customers need, ranging from a big family lunch to a mid-afternoon snack.

The company was founded in 56 with the first large slaughterhouse and in 68 it founded Granja Uirapuru, the first pig study and research farm to improve the quality of its products.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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