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Senac offers a variety of free technical courses in areas such as health, beauty and technology, so you can invest in your future with quality education.

Written by Noel Budeguer
Published 23/01/2025 às 19:41
senac - courses - technical courses - free courses
Senac offers a variety of free technical courses in areas such as health, beauty and technology, so you can invest in your future with quality education.

Sign up for free technical courses at Senac Lafaiete! There are 288 vacancies. Secure your enrollment and transform your career right now!

The beginning of the year is often seen as an ideal time for renewal and new goals. For those who wish to invest in the professional development, Senac in Conselheiro Lafaiete, part of the Fecomércio MG System, offers an excellent opportunity: registration is now open for 288 vacancies in free technical courses distributed across eleven professional qualification classes.

Scheduled to start in February and March 2025, classes cover areas such as management, security, health and information technology.

Class Details and Enrollment Schedule

Those interested in free technical courses can check the enrollment schedule and class start dates as follows:

Logistics Technician

  • Class 1: Registration now open | Start: 03/02/2025 | Time: 19pm to 22pm
  • Class 2: Registration: 12/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 8am to 12pm

Administration Technician

  • Registration now open | Start: 03/02/2025 | Time: 19pm to 22pm

Computer Technician

  • Class 1: Registration now open | Start: 03/02/2025 | Time: 19pm to 22pm
  • Class 2: Registration: 18/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 8am to 12pm

Nursing Technician

  • Class 1: Registration: 20/01/2025 | Start: 03/02/2025 | Time: 13am to 17pm
  • Class 2: Registration: 03/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 8am to 12pm

Aesthetics Technician

  • Registration: 05/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 19pm to 22pm

Occupational Safety Technician

  • Class 1: Registration: 10/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 19am to 22pm
  • Class 2: Registration: 20/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 13am to 17pm
  • Class 3: Registration: 20/02/2025 | Start: 10/03/2025 | Time: 13am to 17pm

Inclusive education program

These free technical courses are offered through the Senac Free Program (PSG), an initiative that seeks to promote educational inclusion for people whose monthly per capita family income is less than two minimum wages. In this way, the program directly contributes to professional qualification and improved employability.

How to register for free technical courses

Registration for free technical courses must be done in person at the Senac unit located in the Centro neighborhood, at Rua Tavares de Melo, 630 – Stores 3, 4 and 5. It is worth remembering that places are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis, with no possibility of reservation. For more information, interested parties can access the site from Senac, contact us by phone (31) 3062-2950 or send a message via WhatsApp to the number (31) 3057-8600.

Don't miss the chance to qualify and boost your career in the job market!

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Cintia Cardoso
Cintia Cardoso
25/01/2025 14:24

I would like to receive all notifications about free technical courses.

Maria Sebastiana Saraiva Rodrigues
Maria Sebastiana Saraiva Rodrigues
25/01/2025 16:51

I live in Tartalzinho, what do I do and how many days does the course last?

Marinalva Alves de Souza
Marinalva Alves de Souza
26/01/2025 12:00

I'm trying to write myself and I can't.

Noel Budeguer

Of Argentine nationality, I am a news writer and specialist in the field. I cover topics such as science, oil, gas, technology, the automotive industry, renewable energy and all trends in the job market.

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