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The Brazilian Army joined forces with the FAB to defeat American troops and guarantee Brazil's sovereignty. What was at stake? The world's LARGEST niobium reserve

Written by Alisson Ficher
Published 25/01/2025 às 18:28
In 1993, Brazil confronted American troops on the border and protected the world's largest niobium reserve. Learn about Operation Surumu!
In 1993, Brazil confronted American troops on the border and protected the world's largest niobium reserve. Learn about Operation Surumu!

US troops on the border, coveted niobium and a threat to the Amazon. In 1993, Operation Surumu showed the world the strength of Brazil in protecting its sovereignty and ensuring territorial integrity. Discover how the Armed Forces thwarted foreign invasion plans and preserved one of the country's greatest natural resources.

Behind the dense Amazon forests, in 1993, Brazil experienced an episode worthy of a movie script: American and British troops positioned on its border threatened national sovereignty.

What motivated this maneuver? International greed for the world's largest niobium reserve, located in Roraima, and a plan that could have transformed the region into an independent country under foreign control.

Under the leadership of Itamar Franco, then president, and with the Armed Forces on high alert, Brazil gave a strategic and powerful military response, reaffirming its position on the global geopolitical stage.

This is the story of Operation Surumu, an action that not only guaranteed Brazilian territorial integrity, but also marked a decisive chapter in the defense of the Amazon.

Niobium and international greed

The Raposa Serra do Sol Indigenous Reserve, located in Roraima, is one of the richest areas in niobium in the world.

This strategic mineral is essential for the manufacture of metallic superalloys used in the aerospace and technology industries.

According to the Sociedade Militar website, the region's mineral wealth attracted the interest of international powers, foreign NGOs and environmentalists who pressured Brazil to demarcate the area as indigenous territory.

The international strategy aimed to create an independent “indigenous country” under the pretext of environmental protection and indigenous peoples’ rights.

This plan would allow direct negotiations with foreign companies and governments, excluding Brazil from the administration of local wealth.

In January 1993, with Bill Clinton assuming the US presidency and Al Gore leading environmental initiatives in ONU, this pressure reached its peak.

The discovery of an invasion plan

On September 8, 1993, Donair, a Brazilian civilian pilot, spotted an unusual military camp on the border with Guyana.

Upon returning to the city of Uiramutã, the tension was already palpable. The local military police sergeant quickly reported the incident to the 3rd Special Border Platoon of the Brazilian Army, located in Pacaraima.

At the same time, information reached the Brazilian government about two American and British warships docked in the Caribbean, with transport helicopters moving troops to unknown locations.

When an Army captain flew over the region the following day, the presence of around 600 American and British soldiers on Guyanese soil, armed and strategically positioned, was confirmed.

American C-130 aircraft were seen landing on nearby rustic airstrips, bringing in more troops. The situation was alarming, requiring a quick and forceful response.

The Armed Forces' response

With the discovery of foreign military movement, the command of the Brazilian Armed Forces launched Operation Surumu.

According to the Sociedade Militar website, the operation was presented to the press as a military exercise, but in practice it was a strategic action to protect national sovereignty.

Special forces were deployed to the region in secret.

Aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) They dropped 850 paratroopers into the territory, accompanied by F-5M and AMX fighters, which provided air support and intimidated any foreign movement.

Jungle infantry troops were mobilized to reinforce the Brazilian presence in the region, while precursors carried out special reconnaissance missions.

The Brazilian Army established trenches and heavy weapons on the banks of the Maú River, where they came face to face with American and British soldiers.

A clear message to the world

Brazil's show of strength was decisive.

According to experts, the firmness of the Armed Forces and President Itamar Franco's willingness to defend the national territory prevented the United States from carrying out any invasion plan.

The possibility of a direct confrontation, which could result in a conflict similar to the Vietnam War, caused the Americans to retreat.

Although the approval of the Raposa Serra do Sol Reserve occurred years later, in a different political context during the Lula government, Operation Surumu left an important legacy.

According to an analysis by the Sociedade Militar website, the episode highlighted the importance of a robust defense policy to guarantee national sovereignty in the face of international greed for the riches of the Amazon.

The impact on Brazilian geopolitics

Operation Surumu was not just a military response, but a milestone in Brazilian defense policy.

She showed the world that Brazil is willing to protect its natural resources and the integrity of its territory.

Furthermore, it reinforced the strategic importance of the Armed Forces in preserving the Amazon, a biome that continues to be the target of international interests.

This episode raises an important question: how can Brazil balance the sustainable exploitation of its natural resources with the protection of its sovereignty? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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29/01/2025 15:42

Yes, after this threat, risk of conflict, actions taken by the Brazilian armed forces and, then, the region currently in the condition of an “indigenous reserve”, what has been done with the niobium reserves? If they are so important, why is there no exploration, even while preserving the environment?

29/01/2025 17:36

The courageous attitude of President Itamar and the Armed Forces showed the usual usurpers that Brazil is a sovereign state. Now is the time for great caution, when some bad Brazilians are even asking for foreign intervention. It is worth remembering that niobium remains unexplored.

Benito Airton Vettori
Benito Airton Vettori
29/01/2025 21:12

This article is very important for Brazilians who at the time did not have internet. Congratulations, continue showing the military power and bravery of Brazilian soldiers.

Alisson Ficher

Journalist graduated in 2017 and working in the field since 2015, with six years of experience in print magazines, stints on broadcast TV channels and over 12 online publications. Specialist in politics, jobs, economics, courses, among other topics. Professional registration: 0087134/SP. If you have any questions, want to report an error or suggest a topic on the topics covered on the site, please contact us by email: alisson.hficher@outlook.com. We do not accept resumes!

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