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Are you Brazilian and want to try a new life in the USA? The time is now! There is a lack of labor for 10 million open job openings in the United States and the world's largest power makes room for immigrants in the country

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 16/02/2022 às 11:38
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Job vacancies in the United States for Brazilians – Google image

There are more than 10 million job openings in the North American territory. Leonardo Leão, CEO of Leão Group, comments on the immigration processes of Brazilians

Are you Brazilian and want to try a new life in the USA? The time is now, despite the pandemic of the new Coronavirus having profoundly affected human displacement across the planet. See below the good news given by Leonardo Leão, CEO of Leão Group, about the immigration processes of Brazilians who want to live, work and study in the United States.

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If leisure trips can wait, the same cannot be said for those who wish to immigrate in search of better life opportunities. In addition to the issue of moving from one country to another, they need to be concerned about the job market, which was also greatly affected by the pandemic, generating even more uncertainty in a process that is no longer easy.

The moment is ideal for those who want to immigrate to the United States for work, there are 10 million job openings in different areas

But according to Leonardo Leão, a lawyer specialized in International Law and CEO of Leão Group, a company specialized in Immigration and Business Internationalization, the moment is ideal for those who want to immigrate to the United States for work. “Business activity has returned very vigorously at the moment..”, says Leonardo, “..but there is a huge shortage of labor on American soil at the moment, it is difficult to find a store in a mall that is not hiring at the moment , for example".

This observation is supported by data from the United States Department of Labor Statistics, whose latest report, released on January 4, pointed out that there are more than 10 million open job openings in the American territory, many of them in sectors historically occupied by immigrants, such as food and health.

“Historically, the US domestic market has not been able to fill all available positions”, says Leão, explaining that the current scenario is one of even more scarcity due to the Ômicron variant. With employees getting sick and needing to leave, business owners are in need of employees to make up for these absences.

Still according to Leão, there is pressure from the business class so that immigration restrictions are eased, allowing the bureaucratic process of immigrating to the United States to be streamlined. “For those who want to try a new life in the United States, the time is now”, declares the lawyer.

Check out a YouTube channel with almost 110 thousand followers with tips for those who want a job, live or undertake internationally.

About Leonardo Leão 

He is a specialist in International Law, lawyer, founder and CEO/consultant of immigration and international business at Leão Group. Master in Law from the University of Miami School of Law, with specialization at the University of Miami Division of Continuing & International Education. He holds a postgraduate degree in Business and Labor Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He holds an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Business. He has a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of over 15 years providing indispensable advice to clients seeking guidance in relation to career and business internationalization.

Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a Production Engineer with a postgraduate degree in Electrical and Automation Engineering, with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses, with more than 7 thousand articles published. Her technical expertise and communication skills make her a respected reference in her field. Contact us to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal.

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