Toyota's new engine promises to bring combustion vehicles to the same level as electric ones. Discover Toyota's new combustion engine and its differences for the automotive market.
Experts agree that the main advantage of electric cars over traditional vehicles is lower pollutant emissions. However, this does not mean that combustion engines are the great villains of history. The complexity of the environmental debate is profound and multifaceted. With this in mind, Toyota is developing an innovative solution that could transform the automotive market: the arrival of its new combustion engine with twice the efficiency of electric cars.
Understand Toyota's initiative
The real villain is pollution. Although engines pollute more than batteries, this happens due to their fuel. But what if these engines stopped polluting? It's an important issue, even more so if we consider the moment we live in, in which electric vehicles are not yet strengthened in the automotive market. Big brands around the world are already asking or have asked the same questions. Some are betting all their money on electric vehicles.
However, Toyota, for example, which is one of the leaders in terms of global sales, appears not to have left traditional models aside and is now launching a new combustion engine. The Japanese automaker is working on a new line of combustion engines that promise to be much more efficient than current ones. In the words of the company's technology director, Hiroki Nakajima, Toyota's new engine project could change the rules of the game and put traditional engines back at the forefront of the automotive market.
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Differentiator of this new Toyota combustion engine
The first advantage of Toyota's new engine, according to the automaker itself, is that they are 10 to 20% smaller than current engines. The size also helps reduce weight and allows vehicles in the automotive market to have a lower hood line, which improves aerodynamics. Adding these two elements together, it is possible to achieve incredible fuel savings.
Another change in Toyota's new engine is the number of cylinders, which will go from 3 to 4. The big difference, however, is linked to thermal efficiency. This way, more energy will be transformed into movement and less will be lost as heat. The Japanese brand has not yet released figures on this aspect of the new combustion engine.
What is known, so far, is that Toyota is working in partnership with competitors Subaru and Mazda and already has three new engine models: 1.5 aspirated, 1.5 turbo and 2.0 turbo. The idea is that Toyota's new engine will begin to equip vehicles on the automotive market from 2027, but testing has already begun.
Brand comments on the arrival of its new combustion engine
Toyota's initiative does not indicate that the brand has abandoned electric vehicles for good. In a response sent to the press, the brand has already stated that it works towards the electrification of vehicles. However, the automaker does not make it clear that its priority is electrification, and that it will pursue this objective according to each global market. In Brazil, for example, the company sees ethanol as a safe, sustainable and possible path.
Its intention is to have at least one electric version of each of its models produced in the country by 2025. However, it understands that the sale of hybrid or electric vehicles changes according to the infrastructure and demand of each market.
Your commitment is to decarbonisationAfter all, the enemy is carbon and not the combustion engine. The company also stated that it believes in Brazil's potential to excel in decarbonization, especially with ethanol, leveraging not only sustainability, but also social and economic progress.
Investindo dinheiro em tecnologia antiga. Toyota vivendo seu momento Kodak.
Todos tem os melhores motores , mas , nem dois por cento do mundo utilizará , não irão ter lucro… E nem deixará pois o dinheiro pagará para não lançar , se lançar , modificaram alguma peça para quebrar , igual correia banhada a óleo , 🆘!!!
Chora e planta desinformação indústria do petróleo…**** acreditam… rsrsrsrsrsrs
O desafio da Toyota são os chineses. Está correndo atrás do prejuízo.
Temos um enorme território para produzir etanol em enorme quantidade, isso sim poderia limpar o ar, pois o etanol com baixo custo poderia substituir até o diesel, mas não, o poder do petróleo poluente fala mais alto e continuamos respirando ar cancerígeno…
A maior reserva de petróleo **** está nos USA, estão á espera do quê.
Enquanto houver energia fóssil esqueçam!
Não é e não está nem entre as 10 maiores reservas e está tão longe como o Brasil.
Os EUA são dentre os 20 Maiores Produtores mas não de Reserva.
1nd Venezuela
2° Arábia Saudita
3° Canada
4° Irã
5th Iraq
6° Rússia
7° Kwait
8° Emirados Árabes Unidos
O Brasil vem 16° perdendo 3 posições no desgoverno Muladrao por conta saß vendas de fontes precisas.
Em termos de produção, os primeiros são:
1° Rússia
2° Arábia Saudita
3° EUA
www. suno. com. br/noticias/web-stories/5-paises-com-as-maiores-reservas-de-petroleo-do-mundo/
Espertão é o **** de jóias, me diga o q ele fez no desgoverno dele, opa esqueci, o PIX…
Engraçado tão discutindo sobre motores que polui menos aí entra discurso sobre política a verdade e nos uns foram presos outros indiciados o que que fazíamos com isso nada então vamos falar de poluição **** todo lugar tem até no mato
Nao dê idéia para esses **** ****.
Bolsonaro vai voltar e inventar o carro movido a propina e a jóias. Tudo resolvido, né sabichão.
PQP .Kkkkkkk O cara fala q este Governo é Muladrão .Kkkkkkkk Esquece q o **** vendeu pela metade do Preço uma Petrolífera na Bahia pela metade do preço .A Refinaria Landulfo Alves.Kkkkkkk **** deu 11 aumentos de Gasolina em um único ano .Kkkkkkkkkk E tu vens falar deste Governo !!!!!
Estás mal informado, os USA já não têm as maiores reservas de crudo. Faz uma busca e confirma.
Maior reserva esta na venezuela estados unidos usa xisto como combustivel para outros fins que nao gasolina e disel.. por isso sobra petroleo
Sua ideia é a verdade QE deveria cobrir todas as demais tentativas de prosseguir com a despoluição do planeta.
A pergunta é simples:
O interesse dos produtores de petróleo confronta com os de sobrevivência saudável do povo ? Claro q sim!!.
Falta governo pra dizer como beneficiar e povo e criar alternativas para o uso do petróleo sem permanecer contaminamdo o planeta.