Of the total investment by the mining company Vale, around 81% will be allocated to expansion projects in the North region
Vale, a Brazilian multinational and one of the largest logistics operators in the country, wants to make an investment of US$5,8 billion in the northern region of Brazil, of which US$1 billion will be used only for expansion. This value will be repeated in subsequent years. By 2024, the mining company expects to invest US$ 2,7 billion in iron ore projects in the region alone, extracting the purest products.
Check out other news of the day:
- Manaus hospitals receive ventilators developed by USP with a millionaire contribution from Petrobras and IBP
- 125 vacancies in free courses offered by Mercado Livre
- UNDB Brasilia will win four renewable energy plants
- Construction workers are considered a priority for the Covid-19 vaccine
- Siemens will manufacture 70 turbines at its factory in Bahia and many jobs will be created in the state
The state of Minas Gerais, marked by two recent tragedies with dams and the cradle of mining operations, is still relevant, mainly because it has a lower iron content, which mixed with Carajás produces BRBF, which is sold in China.
Currently, Vale's main objective is to replace production losses in the state of Minas after Brumadinho and avoid further accidents. In December, a worker was killed in a landslide at the Córrego do Feijão mine. At the same time, if it does not reach an agreement with the government of the state of Minas Gerais, the company runs the risk of being sentenced to billions of dollars.
- Bridge worth almost R$400 MILLION takes shape and already has a completion date
- State of São Paulo will have a new bridge! Project valued at 27 MILLION has just been approved with the right to a roundabout and adaptation of a double lane
- APPROVED! Important railway will receive investment of 500 MILLION to be expanded and become one of the main railways in Brazil
- Petrobras gets a New Year's resolution in court and the fact alerts companies such as Vale, Americanas and others
Carajás Complex
Located in the municipality of Canaã dos Carajás, in southeastern Pará, S11D is the largest mining complex in Vale's history. It is an undertaking that fits the model of sustainable mining. Carajás ore with an iron content of up to 66% contributes to Vale's business strategy of providing products that can help customers such as Chinese steel producers reduce carbon emissions.
Elmer Prata Salomão, geologist and consultant says that “Carajás is a fantastic deposit, which still has strong potential to be explored and exceptional logistics already in place. The mines in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero will not be abandoned, but they are already mature”.