Secure your place in free online courses (EAD) at Universidade Estadual-UEM! Applications are now open for undergraduate courses in Pedagogy, Literature and more. Check it out now!
The State University of Maringá (UEM) has opened registration for its free online undergraduate courses (EAD). With 1.050 vacancies available, the courses cover different areas of knowledge and are ideal for those looking for accessible and flexible academic training.
Despite being online (EAD), free undergraduate courses have mandatory in-person activities carried out at the student's enrollment center. Therefore, in addition to having already completed high school, candidates must ensure availability frequency to the pole when necessary.
Available vacancies and locations for UEM distance learning courses
Check out the free online undergraduate courses (EAD) with open registrations, the number of available places and the distribution by centers:
- Ita Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica is now accepting applications for NEW free online distance learning courses with certificates and no selection process for candidates of any age from all over Brazil
- Get a master's degree at MEC! The Ministry of Education is calling for a professional master's degree in Philosophy with the right to certification
- Free technical courses with more than 13 thousand vacancies are offered by Senac in areas such as fashion, health and management, to transform your career
- Free technical courses are offered by Senac, for those who want to improve their skills and stand out in the job market
Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration: 150 places, divided between the centers of Astorga (20), Cidade Gaúcha (20), Cruzeiro do Oeste (20), Jacarezinho (20), Londrina (25), Sarandi (25) and Umuarama (20). In-person activities will take place on Mondays, in the evening.
Technology in Public Management: 150 vacancies, distributed across the centers of Bela Vista do Paraíso (25), Cianorte (25), Engenheiro Beltrão (25), Faxinal (25), Nova Londrina (25) and Paranavaí (25). In-person activities are scheduled for Tuesday evening.
Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences: 150 places, allocated between the centers of Bela Vista do Paraíso (18), Jacarezinho (18), Jaguapitã (18), Nova Londrina (18), Palmital (18), Sarandi (21), Turvo (18) and Umuarama (21). In-person meetings will be on Thursday evenings.
Bachelor's Degree in History: 150 places, distributed between Assaí (15), Céu Azul (15), Faxinal (15), Flor da Serra do Sul (15), Itambé (15), Jaguapitã (15), Nova Londrina (15), São João do Ivaí (15), Ubiratã (15) and Umuarama (15). In-person activities will also take place on Thursdays in the evening.
Bachelor's Degree in Portuguese/English Language Arts: 180 places, available at the centers of Apucarana (20), Cianorte (20), Goioerê (20), Itambé (20), Nova Londrina (20), Paranavaí (20), Siqueira Campos (20), Tamarana (20) and Ubiratã (20). In-person meetings took place on Monday evenings.
Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy: 270 places, distributed among the centers of Assaí (20), Astorga (20), Bela Vista do Paraíso (20), Engenheiro Beltrão (20), Faxinal (21), Ibaiti (21), Itambé (21), Ivaiporã (21), Jaguapitã (21), Nova Londrina (21), Paranavaí (21), Sarandi (22) and Umuarama (21). The face-to-face meetings will be on Wednesdays in the evening.
Candidates for free online courses (EAD) must access the official website www .vestibular .uem .br and read the notice carefully before registering. The registration period runs from January 8 to February 12, 2025. The registration fee for the 2025 Distance Learning Entrance Exam is R$50.