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Want to earn up to R$14? Sign up now for thousands of free online IT course vacancies!

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 18/01/2025 às 06:41
Want to earn up to R$14? Sign up now for thousands of free online IT course vacancies!
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Have you ever thought about earning salaries of up to R$14? Then don't waste time and sign up for free online courses in the IT area. The sector is growing and companies all over the country are looking for candidates by offering free courses in the area.

Technology has become increasingly important in the job market, driven by the digital transformation of recent years. According to Advanced Consulting, the Information Technology (IT) market grew 22% in the second quarter of 2024. With this in mind, the Eu Capacito platform has thousands of vacancies for free online courses in the IT area. In this article, we will list the main free courses in the IT area to change your career and resume.

List of vacancies for free online courses in the IT area

The Eu Capacito platform, a social initiative of the Itaqui Institute, offers places on free online courses in the IT area in partnership with large technology companies such as Microsoft Google, IBM, FIAP and Oracle. Training ranges from basic to advanced levels and issues certificates.

Below we have listed some options for free online IT courses so you can start studying today:

Develop Applications on Oracle Cloud (Oracle)

Learn how to use Oracle Cloud Native services. Duration: 10 hours;

Python (FIAP)

Comprehensive course on the Python language, from introduction to external libraries. Duration: 80 hours;

Python Programming – Algorithms (IBM SkillsBuild)

Course on basic Python principles and algorithms. Duration: 10 hours;

Introduction to Code (Google)

Basic course on programming languages ​​and their applications. Duration: 30 minutes;

Learn about DevOps in Oracle Cloud (Oracle)

Introduction to the DevOps lifecycle and agile methodologies. Duration: 32 hours;

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Python (Microsoft)

Learn OOP concepts and how to apply them in Python. Duration: 45 minutes;

Create a Simple Website Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (Microsoft)

Course on creating websites with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Duration: 1 hour.

How to participate in free IT courses?

To apply for one of the free online IT courses offered by the Eu Capacito platform, simply click on this link and register to access the content. Registration for free IT courses can be done using your email address or username, Facebook or Google.

It is worth mentioning that the Eu Capacito platform aims to train a legion of professionals for the digital economy. It offers free professional training, focused on technology skills, whether from a conceptual, development or handling point of view. business areas, in addition to knowledge in other areas considered important for corporate life or entrepreneurship.

Furthermore, vacancies in free online courses in the IT area aim to create a world where all people have equal opportunities in accessing technology and digital education, empowering them to reach their full potential and actively participate in the digital society.


Growth of the Brazilian IT market

The growth in the IT sector is also reflected in the financial results. The Santa Catarina Technology Association (ACATE) reported that the sector had revenues of R$754,9 billion in 2023 in Brazil, an increase of 5,2% compared to the previous year and 23% compared to 2020. With this accelerated pace, the demand for IT professionals is on the rise.

The Association of Technology Companies (Brasscom) estimates that 800 new professionals will be needed in 2025. However, only 53 people graduate annually from free IT courses, which increases the labor shortage and creates a unique opportunity for those who want to enter the field.

In addition to high demand, the IT sector offers attractive salaries. According to data, entry-level positions in the market can offer salaries of more than R$14. Some of the most sought-after positions include Programmer, Front-End Developer, DevOps, Python Developer, Solutions Architect and Software Developer.

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Carlos Eduardo Barbosa da Silva
Carlos Eduardo Barbosa da Silva
25/01/2025 17:08


Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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