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Want to stand out in the healthcare field? Free and certified courses in physiotherapy, physical education and hospital practices

Written by Noel Budeguer
Published 26/01/2025 às 10:41
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Want to stand out in the healthcare field? Free and certified courses in physiotherapy, physical education and hospital practices

Get qualified with free courses in the health field! Unimetrocamp offers certification and topics such as physiotherapy, physical education and hospital practices. Registration is open!

The Unimetrocamp Wyden University Center, located in Campinas, is offering 11 free courses aimed at students in the health field between January 27th and 31st. The project aims to provide practical experience for future professionals, in addition to offer update during the academic recess period. According to the coordinator of the Physiotherapy and Physical Education courses, Alice Lisboa, the initiative is a unique opportunity to explore specific areas and deepen knowledge relevant to training.

Among the free courses offered are: Palpatory Anatomy, Cardiorespiratory Assessment, Mechanical Ventilation, First AidThe courses are mainly aimed at students of Physiotherapy and Physical Education, but are equally useful for students in other areas of Health. “These courses in the health area allow direct contact with professional practice and help in decision-making for those who have not yet decided on their career path”, emphasizes Alice. All participants will receive a Certificate of Complementary Hours, essential for several undergraduate courses.

Courses and benefits for health students

Healthcare courses are designed to provide essential skills for the job market. Palpatory Anatomy, for example, helps students identify structures of the human body, while First Aid prepares them for emergency situations.

Other free courses, such as Respiratory Interventions in Adults and Pediatrics, are essential in hospital settings. According to the coordinator, these activities allow participants to explore the entire infrastructure of the institution, in addition to updating their knowledge with experienced professionals in the area.

Programming registrations

Activities will take place throughout the week, with morning and afternoon options, and will be taught by qualified teachers such as Marcelo Pinese Furlan, Beatriz Fernandes and Fabio Crozara. Check out some highlights of the program:

  • Monday (27/01): Palpatory Anatomy and Neurological Assessment.
  • Tuesday (28/01): Massage Therapy and Physiotherapy Preparation for Childbirth.
  • Wednesday (29/01): Respiratory Interventions in Pediatrics and Cardiorespiratory Assessment.
  • Thursday (30/01): Evaluation and Treatment of Shoulder and Mechanical Ventilation.
  • Friday (31/01): Secrets of the TCC Grade 10.

Registration for free courses

Registration for free courses must be completed by filling out the form available at this link. Places are limited, and it is recommended that you guarantee your participation as soon as possible.

Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your training and explore new areas of health!

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Noel Budeguer

Of Argentine nationality, I am a news writer and specialist in the field. I cover topics such as science, oil, gas, technology, the automotive industry, renewable energy and all trends in the job market.

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