UDESC is offering 3.750 places on a free, 100% online course! The course trains teachers and managers for inclusive and anti-racist education. It’s the perfect opportunity to transform pedagogical practices and value diversity in schools. Registration is open until December 20, 2024. Don’t miss out!
Did you know that there is a free opportunity for public school teachers and managers to specialize in inclusive and anti-racist education?
An innovative training course promises to transform pedagogical practices by focusing on ethnic-racial diversity and strengthening relationships with quilombola communities.
Despite being a distance learning course, the initiative is already attracting educators from all over the state of Santa Catarina, who have until December to secure one of the thousands of places offered.
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According to information from State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), notice no. 002/2024 is offering 3.750 places on the Extension Course “Training for Teaching and Management for Education on Ethnic-Racial and Quilombola Relations”.
The proposal is to train teachers, managers and pedagogical teams in public education networks to promote educational practices that value diversity and expand inclusion in the school environment.
Below, you can check out the details of this transformative initiative.
Course structure and objectives
The course, developed by the UDESC Distance Education Center (CEAD) in partnership with the Open University of Brazil (UAB), was designed to respond to important challenges in basic education.
With a total workload of 120 hours, divided into four modules, the training uses the AVA-Moodle platform to offer a completely virtual learning experience.
The modules cover crucial topics such as:
- Brazilian ethnic-racial and quilombola panorama;
- Cultures and territorialities;
- Anti-racist education in practice;
- Democratic management for diversity.
The main objective, according to the notice, is to prepare education professionals to create a more inclusive and equitable school environment.
The training seeks to align pedagogical practices with public policies that value ethnic-racial and quilombola relations, promoting greater representation and respect for diversity.
Vacancies and selection criteria from UDESC
According to the notice, the initial 3.750 vacancies will be filled in accordance with the order of registration and proof of candidates' links to the education sector.
If there are any vacancies, new calls may be made.
Candidates who exceed the number of available positions will be placed on a waiting list for future opportunities.
The selection process consists of a single stage and considers objective criteria in the event of a tie, such as:
- Age of candidates;
- Length of experience in the educational field;
- Other criteria detailed in the notice.
Expected impact on basic education
According to UDESC, the The course not only expands the theoretical repertoire of participants, but also promotes practices that can be applied directly in the school environment.
This practical and contextualized approach is fundamental to consolidating an education that meets the diversity of Brazilian society.
Strengthening democratic management and adopting anti-racist education are some of the pillars that the course seeks to implement in public schools in Santa Catarina.
Furthermore, the training meets the goals set out in the national guidelines for education on ethnic-racial relations.
Why is this training essential?
In a social context where racial inequalities are still a reality, courses like this play an essential role in transforming society.
Education is the main tool for combating prejudice, forming conscious citizens and creating fairer and more respectful school environments.
If you are an educator or school manager, This is the opportunity to enhance your teaching practices and actively contribute to a more inclusive teaching environment.
Registration deadline and how to participate
Registration is free and must be completed by December 20, 2024. Interested parties must fill out the form available on the official CEAD/UDESC website.
The selection will be conducted by the UDESC Selection Committee, which is responsible for evaluating the submitted documentation and organizing the list of approved candidates.
To guarantee registration, it is essential that the candidate proves his/her connection with the educational field, presenting the documents required in the notice.
Do not waste time! Access the registration form through the link: https://www.cead.udesc.br/?idFormulario=215.
What about you? Are you ready to transform education?
What do you think about free online training that prepares teachers and managers to deal with diversity and promote inclusion? Leave your opinion in the comments and join this conversation!