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Want to take a free course in the areas of Technology, Basic Training or Entrepreneurship? Escolas do Futuro offers more than 4 thousand places for free professional qualification courses, from Artificial Intelligence to Digital Content Creation

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 21/01/2025 às 13:23
courses - schools of the future - professional qualification
photo/reproduction: SEDI

Registration is open for in-person courses in technology and entrepreneurship, with opportunities in several cities in the state

As Schools of the Future of Goiás (EFGs) provide more than 4 thousand vacancies to free courses short and medium term, aimed at professional qualification. Opportunities are offered in person.

Entries can be made via the website. efg.org.br/editaiscursos, with deadlines ranging from May 5 to June 6.

Diversified courses in technological and entrepreneurship areas

The courses offered cover several areas of tech e entrepreneurship, intended for people with complete primary education and minimum age of 16 years.

Classes are held during the periods morning, afternoon and evening, depending on the unit of EFG.

Technology Area

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Drone Piloting
  • Automation and Robotics
  • Digital Transformation and Prototyping
  • Computer Programming
  • Programming logic

Basic Training

  • Office pack
  • Basic Excel
  • English Instrumental


  • E-commerce
  • Digital Content Creation
  • Marketing Applied to Agribusiness
  • Leadership and Team Management

Continuous selection process and additional information

Candidates will be selected in order of registration, with classes starting as soon as the number of applicants corresponds to the number of available places.

The results will be announced on the website efg.org.br, and classes will start five business days after the results are released.

More information can be obtained through WhatsApp's virtual assistant, at the number 62 99810-9649.

As Schools of the Future of Goiás are linked to the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti), and since 2021, they are managed in partnership with Goias Federal Universitythrough the Center for Education, Work and Technology (CETT/UFG).

To sign up, CLICK HERE 👈👈👈

Second Jose Frederico Lyra Netto, secretary of the department, “Goiás is forming the best technical education network in Brazil, and the EFGs are proof of this, with cutting-edge structures that offer free courses to help people gain better opportunities in the job market.”

The courses are available in Goiânia, Aparecida de Goiânia, Mineiros, Santo Antônio do Descoberto and Valparaiso.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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