Get qualified with free online technical courses (EAD)! IFMS and IFNMG offer 1.596 vacancies in administration, logistics, agriculture and more. Sign up!
Do you want to transform your career and gain space in the job market? Two renowned Federal Institutes, IFMS (Mato Grosso do Sul) and IFNMG (Northern Minas Gerais), are with registrations open for 1.596 places on free technical courses in the EAD format. These are unique opportunities for those who want to combine flexibility and quality in their professional training.
While IFNMG offers 10 technical courses focused on strategic areas, IFMS offers options that meet the demands of different sectors. Both guarantee certification recognized by the MEC and training aligned with the needs of the current job market. Find out more and don't miss this opportunity for qualification!
What courses are available at IFNMG?
The Federal Institute-IFNMG offers 760 free places for technical distance learning courses, organized concurrently or subsequent to high school. Check out the courses:
- Unifesp is accepting applications for more than 20 free courses! Online and in-person opportunities, learn about the courses and boost your learning
- Study without leaving home! UFRGS is offering free online courses in several areas, such as health, technology, humanities and arts; Find out how to participate
- Want to boost your resume without spending R$1? Microsoft has just released more than 120 free online courses in various areas!
- Free online course (EAD) in pedagogy with 210 places is offered by Federal University so you can earn your degree in education
- Public Services Technician
- Administration Technician
- Internet Computer Technician
- Occupational Safety Technician
- Legal Services Technician
- School Secretariat Technician
- Agriculture and Livestock technician
The vacancies are distributed between the centers of Várzea da Palma (240 vacancies), Corinto (160 vacancies), Joaquim Felício (120 vacancies), Buritizeiro (160 vacancies) and Santo Hipólito (80 vacancies). The selection will be carried out by curricular evaluation based on the grades in Portuguese Language and Mathematics from High School.
What about IFMS courses?
The Federal Institute-IFMS also offers 796 free places for distance learning courses, according to the 2024 selection notice. The available courses include:
- Administration Technician
- Logistics Technician
- Maintenance Technician and Computer Support Technician
The vacancies are distributed across 19 campuses, including cities such as Campo Grande (60 vacancies), Corumbá (80 vacancies), Dourados (40 vacancies), Naviraí (40 vacancies), Três Lagoas (17 vacancies), among others. The selection will consist of documentation analysis, a written test and an individual interview, ensuring that the best candidates are chosen.
Who can participate and how to register?
Candidates must be enrolled in or have completed high school, in addition to meeting the specific criteria of each institution. It is necessary to have access to the internet and a computer, as classes will be held online (EAD). Applications for IFNMG are open until December 01, 2024, while IFMS receives candidates until December 15, 2024.
Sign up for technical courses now!
Don't miss this opportunity for free professional qualification! For the IFNMG, register on the official website here. To IFMS, access the portal using this link until the deadline. Places are limited and can change your career path. Secure your online technical training and take the next step towards success! IFNMG NOTICE - IFMS NOTICE
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