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With the great shortage of qualified professionals in the Education sector, the Federal Institute offers free courses for professionals who dream of boosting their resume without spending a single real!

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 18/11/2024 às 12:41
Federal Institute offers free online courses in various areas of education, with registration open to the entire community.
Photo: Canva

Federal Institute offers free online courses in various areas of education, with registration open to the entire community.

The Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG) is offering an excellent opportunity for those who wish to improve their knowledge in the area of ​​education. With free courses and fully online, the institution aims to train teaching professionals with innovative methods and updated content. Through the Distance Education (EaD) system, the courses become accessible to all of Brazil, allowing any educator to enroll and participate in a flexible and practical way.

Free courses focused on contemporary education

Os courses made available by the Federal Institute address essential topics for educational development, such as “Teaching and Learning: Teacher/Student Communication”, “Active Methodologies in the Classroom”, and “Environmental Education for Teachers”.

All are offered free of charge and have the flexibility of distance learning, which allows participants to study according to their own schedule.

Furthermore, the courses are aimed at teachers from different areas, offering content relevant to the challenges faced in the modern school environment.

The Federal Institute’s course “Teaching and Learning: Teacher/Student Communication”, for example, focuses on the importance of effective communication between teachers and students.

It explores the different forms of communication, such as oral, written and audiovisual, and how they impact the teaching process.

The course “Active Methodologies in the Classroom” offers an insight into how new teaching strategies can improve learning, using tools such as the Flipped Classroom, Gamification and Design Thinking.

Advantages of distance education

The distance learning modality has proven to be an excellent alternative for those seeking training without having to travel to an institution.

With the flexibility of the virtual environment, courses can be done from anywhere, at a time that best fits the student's routine.

Furthermore, the Federal Institute makes all content available in a clear and accessible way, with online support for participants.

The courses include certificates at the end, which adds even more value to the CV of those who participate.

Interested parties can access the platform and register for free for any of the courses mentioned.

Certificates can be used to enrich professional training and guarantee new opportunities in the job market, especially in the field of education.

How to enroll in courses at the Federal Institute?

To secure your place, simply access the official website and sign up for the free courses available.

Click here to register!

A register It is simple and fast, and the Federal Institute platform offers all the necessary support for students.

About the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais

IFMG is a public educational institution whose mission is to provide education quality and free, with a focus on the academic and professional development of its students.

The institution offers a variety of free undergraduate, postgraduate, technical and extension courses, with the aim of promoting social inclusion and professional growth.

The Federal Institute believes that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of location or financial status.

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Appeared Sundays
Appeared Sundays
19/11/2024 15:13

Very good

Nayane da Silva Oliveira
Nayane da Silva Oliveira
19/11/2024 16:37

Nayane da Silva Oliveira

Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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