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Ypê, a leading company in the Brazilian market, offers more than 90 opportunities for different profiles and locations; Find out more about job openings and how to apply

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 25/01/2025 às 14:00
Ypê, a leading company in the Brazilian market, offers more than 90 opportunities for different profiles and locations; Find out more about job openings and how to apply
Ypê, a leading company in the Brazilian market, offers more than 90 opportunities for different profiles and locations; Find out more about job openings and how to apply

More than 90 job vacancies at Ypê with attractive salaries and different locations in Brazil!

Ypê, a leader in the hygiene and cleaning sector, has 91 vacancies available in various areas and locations. Learn more about the opportunities and how to apply to be part of this great company!

If you are looking for jobs, Ypê, a leading company in the Brazilian market, offers more than 90 opportunities for different profiles and locations. The vacancies cover areas such as production, maintenance, logistics and sales, with attractive benefits and possibilities growth. Check out the details of the selection process and how to apply!

Ypê Selection Process 

Ypê's selection process is organized in a clear and objective manner, ensuring fair opportunities for all candidates. The stages include resume analysis, interviews and, depending on the position, practical or technical tests.

Interested parties can register directly on Ypê's official website or on the company's Talent Bank portal. Ypê is committed to inclusion and diversity, offering affirmative action positions for women and other groups.

The evaluation criteria vary according to the role, and some positions do not require prior experience, such as operations assistant and sales promoter positions. For technical positions, such as electrical and mechanical maintenance, it is necessary to present specific training and proven experience.

Vacancy and Location

Ypê is with jobs open in several regions of Brazil, including São Paulo, Goiás, Bahia, Pernambuco and Pará. Among the main opportunities available are:

  • Talent Bank – Operations Assistant (Amparo – SP)
  • Electrical Maintenance (Amparo – SP)
  • Sales Promoter (Vacancies throughout Brazil)
  • Regional Account Executive – Affirmative Vacancy for Women (Belém – PA)
  • Logistics Operator III (Anápolis – GO)

Ypê has hybrid and in-person vacancies, such as opportunities for senior external communications analyst and maintenance mechanic.

About Ypê 

Ypê was founded in 1950 and is a 100% Brazilian company, a reference in the hygiene and cleaning market. With headquarters in Amparo, São Paulo, Ypê has five other manufacturing units spread across throughout Brazil, located in Salto (SP), Anápolis (GO), Goiânia (GO), Simões Filho (BA) and Itapissuma (PE).

Throughout its more than 70 years of history, Ypê has built a solid culture based on values ​​such as care, simplicity and excellence. These principles are applied in all areas of the company, ensuring a welcoming and dynamic work environment.

With over 7 employees, Ypê continually invests in the development of its professionals, promoting sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. The company is recognized for offering quality products and for valuing the people who are part of its team.

Job Requirements

Requirements vary by position, but include:

  • Elementary, secondary or higher education, depending on the role.
  • Experience in the area will be a differential for technical positions.
  • Skills such as proactivity, teamwork and good communication.
  • Availability to work in person or in a hybrid format, depending on the vacancy.

Positions such as operations assistant and sales promoter are ideal for those looking for their first job or wishing to start a new career path. Technical positions, such as electrical maintenance and quality inspector, require specific training and prior experience.

Benefits of Vacancies at Ypê

Ypê offers attractive benefits that enhance the well-being and quality of life of its employees. The main benefits include:

  • Health plan and dental care.
  • Meal and food vouchers.
  • Daycare assistance and private pension.
  • Discounts on company products.
  • Quality of life and professional development programs.

These benefits make the jobs even more attractive, showing Ypê’s commitment to caring for its employees.

How to apply

To apply for the jobs at Ypê, follow this step by step:

  1. Access the official Ypê website and go to the section Careers.
  2. Choose the vacancy of interest or register in the Talent Bank.
  3. Fill in the form with your personal and professional information.
  4. Send your updated CV and follow the next steps of the selection process.

If you do not find a vacancy that fits your profile, it is possible to register in the Talent Bank from Ypê for future opportunities. The process is free and transparent, ensuring the security of candidates' data.


Source: Guppy

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 3.000 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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