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After years of waiting, a new viaduct will finally be built! City Hall plans to invest R$85 million in quality materials and cutting-edge technology

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 25/06/2024 às 18:05
According to City Hall, the viaduct will use quality materials and cutting-edge technology, representing a landmark in engineering in the region.
Photo: Canva

According to City Hall, the viaduct will use quality materials and cutting-edge technology, representing a milestone in civil engineering in the region.

The wait has come to an end for the residents of Congonhas (MG), with the announcement from the City Hall about the signing of the service order for the construction of a new viaduct at the northern entrance to the city. After more than 25 years of expectation, the project will finally get off the ground, promising not only to improve traffic, but also to raise the standard of safety and modernity of local infrastructure.

New viaduct design is innovative and completely safe

The new viaduct, which will be built on the access road to the city, will use high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology, representing a landmark in civil engineering in the region.

Designed to optimize the flow of vehicles and reduce congestion, the work will not only modernize the city's entrance, but will also offer greater security to citizens.

The structure incorporates innovative solutions that not only guarantee efficiency, but also an aesthetically pleasing design.

Safety was one of the main criteria considered in the development of the project, aiming to reduce the number of accidents and provide a calmer and safer traffic experience for road users.

With this, it is expected not only to improve urban mobility, but also to enhance the region and attract new investments, boosting local development.

Previous challenges and new advances

The path to signing the work order was not easy.

Almost a year ago, the Minas Gerais Court of Auditors (TCE/MG) suspended the public tender notice promoted by Congonhas City Hall, citing issues related to the competitiveness of the bidding.

The decision, based on the opinion of the TCE/MG technical unit, raised concerns about the participation criteria and the documentation required from bidders.

Despite the bureaucratic challenges faced previously, the City Hall persisted in its objective of completing the viaduct project, now with all the necessary authorizations.

The estimated cost of the work is approximately R$85 million, a significant investment that reflects the commitment to modernizing road infrastructure and the well-being of the community.

Impact of the construction of the new viaduct on the community

With the imminent start of works, the City Hall requests the collaboration of residents and drivers during the construction period.

Measures will be taken to minimize the impact on local traffic, including possible detours and temporary changes to usual routes.

This initial phase also represents an opportunity for citizens to closely monitor each stage of the viaduct's development, in addition to clarifying doubts and providing feedback to the responsible authorities.

With the construction of the new viaduct, Congonhas is preparing for a more dynamic and accessible urban future.

In addition to improving mobility, the work signals a significant advance in local infrastructure, boosting economic growth and attracting new businesses to the region.

The expectation is that the viaduct will not only facilitate access to the city, but also strengthen its position as a regional development hub.

Source: Minas Post Office.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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