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ANTT updates minimum floor freight table with an average reduction of 2,34% to 3,21%

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 23/05/2023 às 12:10
Road freight floor
photo: road freight

The National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) recently announced the update of the minimum road freight floor table, with reductions ranging from 2,34% to 3,21% for all types of operation.

The change in the regulatory body considered the Final value of Diesel S10 at the bombs. Although ANTT declared that the reductions in values ​​would benefit truck drivers and carriers, this is not the reality scenario.

The minimum floor road freight is a reference table that determines the minimum amount to be paid to truck drivers to transport cargo throughout the Brazilian territory. The objective is to guarantee workers the minimum necessary to cover vehicle operating costs, such as fuel, maintenance, among others.

What is the current status of the minimum road freight floor?

Since truck drivers strike In 2018, the federal government sanctioned the law of minimum road freight floor with the aim of bringing more balance in the relationship between truck drivers and companies that hire their services. However, reality shows that the changes made by ANTT were not as beneficial as they appear.

Although ANTT has reduced the values ​​of the minimum freight floor table, due to the decrease in the price of Diesel S10, this readjustment does not reflect the reality of the market. With the devaluation of the real, the prices of inputs, mainly diesel and tires, have increased at an accelerated pace, which increases the cost of the operation.

Another factor that influences this situation is the high demand for trucks, leading to overloading of vehicles and, consequently, the need for frequent maintenance. Faced with this panorama, truck drivers have been suffering from the difficulty of maintaining their financial balance and quality of life, and many end up mired in debt.

According to organizations representing truck drivers, the ANTT should have made a positive readjustment in the table values ​​of the minimum freight floor, considering the increase in operating costs. In addition, the overvaluation of freight costs is not beneficial to either party, as it raises the prices of products for the final consumer – a situation that negatively impacts the country's economy.

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 3.000 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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