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Why scientists say finding alien life is now 'just a matter of time'

Published 19/01/2025 às 12:40
alien life
Photo: Reproduction

Scientists around the world are increasingly convinced that the discovery of alien life is imminent. Discover the reasons behind this growing expectation.

The search for alien life has never been more advanced. Scientists around the world are convinced that finding signs of life beyond Earth is just a matter of time.

With the advancement of space observation technologies and the discovery of increasingly promising exoplanets, optimism only grows.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), launched by NASA, brought new data that indicate the presence of possible biosignatures on distant exoplanets.

One example is K2-18b, located 120 light-years from Earth. This planet is in the so-called “habitable zone,” where conditions are favorable for the presence of liquid water.

Scientists have detected possible traces of dimethyl sulfide, a compound on Earth produced by marine microorganisms. Although confirmation of this discovery will take more time, the initial results have experts excited.

Technologies and missions in progress

The next decade promises to be decisive. NASA is developing the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), a telescope designed to detect the atmospheres of rocky exoplanets.

Once on Earth, the European Southern Observatory's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) will come into operation with the capacity to analyze atmospheres in detail.

In addition to exoplanets, icy moons in our Solar System continue to attract attention. Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is a prime target.

The Europa Clipper mission, which will launch soon, aims to investigate its subsurface ocean, which may harbor microbial life. Saturn's moon Titan is also being studied. NASA's Dragonfly mission will explore its surface, which is rich in organic compounds.

Mars still occupies a prominent position in the search for life.

NASA's Perseverance rover is collecting rock samples that may contain evidence of past life. These samples will be brought back to Earth for further analysis in the 2030s.

It's not just physical exploration that brings hope. The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) program is modernizing its techniques, expanding the search for signs of alien communication.

Now, in addition to radio waves, scientists are looking for laser pulses that could be sent by advanced civilizations.

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