The Project was proposed by ABOL in 2020 and seeks to offer a more agile and less bureaucratic business environment
The Road and Transport Commission (CVT) of the Chamber of Deputies approved, this Wednesday morning (9), Bill 3757/2020, which regulates the activity of Logistics Operators (OLs) in Brazil. The text was proposed by the Brazilian Association of Logistic Operators (ABOL) in 2020 with the aim of bringing greater legal certainty to the sector, reducing bureaucracy and, consequently, improving the day-to-day operations of these companies and attracting new investments. Currently, the figure of the OL, which offers integrated transport, storage and inventory management services for goods, is not provided for in any legal or administrative rule.
Over the last two years, the PL was built and improved by several hands, with the support of federal deputies Hugo Leal (PSDB/RJ) and Carlos Chiodini (MDB/SC), author and rapporteur of the project, respectively. It also had the collaboration of the president of the CVT, Dep., Hildo Rocha (MDB/MA). In addition, ABOL carried out continuous clarification work on the importance of the text with parliamentarians interested in better understanding the function and areas of activity of the OLs.
And the PL will continue to be a priority for ABOL in 2023, as the next step is to ensure that it is approved by the other committees of the Chamber and also of the Federal Senate.
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According to Dept. Hugo Leal, all the work carried out so far seeks to bring more legal and operational comfort to the companies that move the country through logistics. “Without them, there is no disposal of agro; there is no food, drink, medicine, cosmetics, electronics on the shelves and there is no sustainable growth in e-commerce. We have several logistical bottlenecks and this PL proposes to resolve some that will have a positive and direct impact on shippers' businesses and the lives of Brazilian consumers. With this, we hope that it will be approved and become law in 2023”, said the author of the bill.
In the same sense, Rep. Chiodini reiterated that it is the Logistics Operator who receives the cargo and delivers it to his home, who breaks it down and does all the storage logistics. “But it is a sector that, unfortunately, even with all this representation, does not have an exclusive CNAE and is therefore recognized as a transporter and storage company. We are simplifying, uniting these guidelines in respect for Logistics Operators, something that is very important and representative in the state of Santa Catarina with the strength of our Ports, the multimodal logistics integration of airports and roads and everything else, makes our state a hub”, highlighted the rapporteur.
According to ABOL's executive director, Marcella Cunha, the OL, or “3PL”, as it is known internationally, plays a fundamental and essential role in the country's production and supply chain and performs activities that are often invisible to the eyes of the consumer and of civil society in general. These are companies that offer diverse, integrated and customized logistics solutions, both in terms of transport (by all modes), as well as movement in warehouses and inventory management.
“The pandemic has shown even more the relevance of Operators, who were responsible for transporting vaccine doses against Covid-19. They remained active throughout the period, guaranteeing the supply of the country. Not to mention its role in increasing online sales. The PL is nothing more than the recognition of an essential activity. It is a project that the entire sector wants, so that we can provide greater security for the expansion plans of the OLs here in Brazil.” “.
Learn more about the Bill at