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BNDES invests BRL 5,3 million in a prototype of smart cities and urban mobility at USP for testing in São Paulo and subsequent implementation in Brazil

Published 25/06/2022 às 15:41
BNDES São Paulo USP Smart cities urban mobility Brazil
Professor Laisa from USP and a prototype of an intelligent traffic light that will provide pedestrian safety | Photo: Marcos Santos

USP prototype, funded by BNDES, will be tested on the São Paulo campus, which will be transformed into a “smart city”

Researchers from the Technological Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI-TEC) at the University of São Paulo (USP) are going to start testing prototypes to compose smart cities and integrate security into urban mobility in the capital. The projects have funding from the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), as they were selected in a public call and will be carried out in partnership with private and public initiative.

The USP Butantã campus, in São Paulo, will receive the tests and the researchers' objective is to install the prototypes in the university's territory. Thus, the campus will become a mini “smart city”. Learn more about these tests by reading the article until the end.

Learn more about the concept of smart cities and how Brazil innovates to reach this new level in the video below

Smart cities are the concept of the future and Brazil is starting to test solutions in this modality | Playback — YouTube: DW Brasil

USP Smart Cities Project, funded by BNDES, aims to bring the concept to Brazil and improve urban mobility

The Technological Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI-TEC) at USP has developed several innovations through the Smart Cities Project and will now be able to put into practice some of its creations. The projects will be made possible by miniaturized computers of national design that will bring artificial intelligence and connectivity to the tests.

Large companies such as American Tower and Deloitte will be with USP in these tests, aiming to stimulate the improvement of wireless connectivity and the ideal business model.

“The idea is to transform the campus into a kind of 'experimental district' where internet of things technologies installed in traffic lights and cars will be tested”

Professor Marcelo Zuffo, from the Polytechnic School (Poli) of USP and scientific-technological adviser to USP's projects, in an interview with Jornal da USP.

Smart traffic lights will be tested by USP and meet the National Plan for the Internet of Things

USP will put the smart and sentinel traffic light models to the test in this first stage of the project. Still in the first semester of 2022, 2 intelligent traffic lights will be installed on the campus with the capacity to monitor traffic in a close radius. They are able to process information from the images and improve local safety in addition to prioritizing pedestrian safety.

“This is an edge computing application, in which a small computer is included in the traffic light that becomes capable of controlling the opening and closing time of the traffic light. Instead of focusing exclusively on the flow of cars, the traffic lights proposed in the project will prioritize pedestrian safety”

Laisa Costa De Biase, professor at USP and project coordinator at LSI-TEC (2022) in an interview with Jornal da USP

Sentinela will be another prototype tested by USP and notifies risk information in accidents or car thefts

As far as it is concerned, the sentinel prototype, also funded by the BNDES, will be installed in some vehicles and is intended to notify life-threatening and criminal situations in nearby locations. The images captured by the equipment send information to a server through artificial intelligence and make the streets safer.

According to the projects coordinator, professor Laisa, there are already 2 cars with this device that are circulating in São Paulo and have shown promising results. The prototype is also able to identify the risks of the accident in which the vehicle is involved and send automatic notification to the competent emergency services.

Prototypes will begin to be installed on the USP campus in São Paulo and meet the National Plan for the Internet of Things. This will be possible thanks to the partnership with Stellantis, with the Traffic Engineering Company (CET) of São Paulo, with the Municipal Secretary of Transport of São Paulo and with the Secretary of Public Security of the State of São Paulo.

“The project of Smart Cities with IoT is extremely challenging. The initiative encompasses aspects of the state of the art in IoT technology with relevant aspects of socioeconomic impact for the population”

Captain Cauã Sarto Conselheiro, occasional project manager for the Military Police (PM) of the State of São Paulo (2022) in an interview with Jornal da USP.

If all goes well, these prototypes could be installed in cities and bring even more technology to urban mobility in Brazil.

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Sabrina Moreira Paes

Inhabitant of Greater São Paulo, 25 years old, graduated from UFPR with an MBA in marketing from USP. She has a master's degree from Unicamp and a doctorate in progress at USP. Marketing, Copy, SEO and Ghost Writer professional certified by the Universities of Stanford, California, Northwestern and Toronto. Get in touch with us to suggest an agenda, publicize job openings or propose advertising on our portal. We do not receive resumes.

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