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City Hall Competition: 800 vacancies with a starting salary of up to R$7.700 for all levels of education in the areas of education, health, transport, general services and administration

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 08/08/2024 às 14:39
City Hall opens registrations for public competition. (Image: reproduction)
City Hall opens registrations for public competition. (Image: reproduction)

Discover all the vacancies available for accountants, administrators, security guards, construction inspectors, nurses and much more!

City Hall publishes notice no. 01/2024, opening 804 vacancies immediate and formation of reserve registration. The opportunities are for candidates from elementary, secondary and higher levels. The competition is being organized by Legatus Institute and will be valid for two years, with the possibility of extension for another two years, at the discretion of the municipal administration, according to ConcursosNobrasil.

vacancies and requirements

There are 804 vacancies distributed in the areas of Education, Health, Transport, General Services and Administration. Salaries vary from R $ 1.412,00 to R $ 7.786,02, with working hours of 20 to 40 hours per week. To participate, candidates must be at least 18 years old, up to date with their electoral and military obligations (for men) and be physically and mentally fit for the desired position.

Highlights of available vacancies

RoleTotal VacanciesCHInitial Basic Salary
Administrator1340 hR$ 2.000,00
Systems analyst0640 hR$ 2.000,00
Legal Analyst 1830 hR$ 2.500,00
School Social Worker1530 hR$ 2.000,00
Administrative Assistant3040 hR$ 1.412,00
Library assistent1040 hR$ 1.412,00
Biomedic0640 hR$ 2.500,00
Counter0440 hR$ 2.000,00
Nurse1040 hR$ 4.000,00 + floor complementation
Civil engineer0440 hR$ 2.500,00
Pharmaceutical0540 hR$ 2.500,00
Building inspector1040 hR$ 1.500,00
Tax Inspector0840 hR$ 2.000,00
Physiotherapist0730 hR$ 2.500,00
Speech Therapist0630 hR$ 2.500,00
General practitioner1224 hR$ 2.500,00
Pediatrician0624 hR$ 2.500,00
Psychiatrist0524 hR$ 2.500,00
Veterinarian0440 hR$ 2.500,00
Nutritionist0830 hR$ 2.000,00
Dentist1030 hR$ 2.500,00
City Attorney0130 hR$ 7.786,02
School Psychologist0830 hR$ 2.000,00
Nursing Technician2040 hR$ 1.412,00
Computer technician0840 hR$ 1.500,00
Laboratory technician0640 hR$ 1.500,00
Radiology Technician0830 hR$ 1.500,00
Occupational Safety Technician0540 hR$ 1.500,00
Phone Operator 1040 hR$ 1.412,00
Vigilant2040 hR$ 1.412,00

Registration and Fees

Registration for the competition Caxias City Hall – MA can be done from 14pm on August 6, 2024 until 23:59pm on September 9, 2024, directly on the Legatus Institute website. Registration fees vary depending on the level of education of the position, with R$92,00 for fundamental level positions, R$110,00 for secondary level and R$140,00 for higher education.

For those who meet the low-income criteria or who are registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), It is possible to request an exemption from the registration fee. Check the notice for more details on the exemption request process.

Tests and evaluations

The selection process will consist of two stages: objective written test and title evaluation. The written test, of an eliminatory and classificatory nature, is scheduled for November 3, 2024 and will consist of 40 multiple choice questions. Subjects vary depending on the level of education of the position.

For mid-level positions, questions will address Portuguese Language, Computer Basics, Local Knowledge and Specific Knowledge. For fundamental level positions, the subjects include Portuguese Language, Mathematical Logical Reasoning, Local Knowledge and Specific Knowledge.

Candidates for Professor positions will be subject to title evaluation, which is exclusively classificatory in nature.

Notice and contact

For more information about the Caxias City Council competition, interested parties should consult the notice available on the Instituto Legatus website. If you have any questions, you can contact us via “Help Form” on the organizing committee’s website or by email atendimento@legatus.org.br.

For more information and to sign up, CLICK HERE 👈👈👈

Don't miss this opportunity to compete for one of the 804 vacancies available in the Caxias City Council public competition and start a new phase in your professional career.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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